
قطاعات التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
حالة وقضايا النساء

A team of specialized social workers, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and forensic doctors provides a series of services to women and children victims of violence and exploitation, and tha

The MACMAG GLIP project provides a platform for exchange of research, analysis, training, capacity building and institutional development on Gender and Development (GAD) throughout the Arab world (

Distribution food Security packing, outfits and shoes for displaced people in Saida, South Lebanon

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Distribution Blankets and Detergents for displaced people in Saida

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Distribution Medical drugs for displaced people in Saida during and after the war

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

We have printed 25,000 games.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Distribution of medical equipments and inferior paralysis medical requirements for needy and disabled people

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Distribution food Security packing for poor families who have been affected by the war

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Supply People with inferior paralysis with medical requirements

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

HI will support PADC to carry out specialized services for extremely vulnerable persons who sustained disabling injuries as aresult of the recent war or a cluster bomb/UXO.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

PADC will identify most vulnerable persons and fit them with specialized rehabilitation sessions.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

A transparency and accountability awareness campaign (Four workshops) among children (8-12 years old) to curb corruption and increase the level of compliance at an early age.

The Social And Cultural Development Association

The Lebanese Parliamentary Monitor (LPMonitor) seeks to enhance accountability and transparency by establishing a monitor to provide citizens with concrete information on their representatives

The training consists of 5-6 blocks per year, 185 sessions per training, a seminar booklet is prepared.

Lebanese expatriates from all over the world are encouraged to sign-up with SayabqaLubnan.
com for volunteer opportunities in Lebanon during the summer of 2007.

SRI International and the Social and Cultural Development Association (INMA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MOET), launched the High-Value Crop Diversification Project, w

The Social And Cultural Development Association

The recent war in Lebanon has not only caused thousands of deaths and injuries, and destroyed homes and infrastructure, but has also left the survivors daily lives in upheaval in which day-to-day r

The current organization is on 500 meters square area incorporating all the units and the activities of the PADC in addition to the specialized hearing center that was currently funded and opened b

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Based on research, wars & conflicts have tremendous effects on individuals adults, children and eldest people, on both physical & the psycho-social levels.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care