Call for Tender – Request For Quotations for Medical and Life Insurance for Teach For Lebanon Staff
Teach for Lebanon (TFL) is a Lebanese NGO committed to ensuring that every child in Lebanon, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, has access to quality education. TFL employs an innovative approach that emphasizes youth capacity building to implement impactful educational interventions and provide systemic support for students in need.
Therefore, TFL recruits and trains Lebanon’s most promising fresh graduates, known as "TFL Fellows," and places them in schools serving economically disadvantaged refugees and Lebanese children. These fellows receive ongoing training and support to address educational challenges through transformational teaching, guiding their students toward academic success. Throughout their journey, they evolve into leaders and advocates for a brighter future in Lebanon.
Teach for Lebanon is an independent local NGO and part of Teach for All, a global network spanning 62 countries dedicated to educational equality.
Kindly find attached one document that includes TFL insurance benefits.
How to apply
Interested suppliers are invited to submit their detailed quotations with the key features aforementioned in word or pdf format by September 16, 2024 at 12 pm to
The quotations should answer the following questions:
1. What are the limits for any occurrence/Accident? Please elaborate more.
2. Please share with us the list of all your partner hospitals.
3. In case one of the staff members is injured, what is the process? Can you please explain the steps that should be done in order to enter the hospital and until the staff is recovered? Please elaborate more.
4. Is there a hotline or contact person for each region in Lebanon?
5. Teach For Lebanon's method of payment is through a fresh account bank transfer. Do you have a fresh USD bank account if we accept your quotation? Please state the name of the bank you work with.
6. What is the preferred schedule of payment?
7. Do currently pregnant members benefit from maternity coverage under the policy?
Please check TFL insurance benefits (attached); please share with us a quotation that clearly includes the prices for “In”, a separate quotation for “Out”, and also a separate quotation for “Life”.
Please make sure that the quotation includes:
- Official offers in the proper header and footer format
- Mention the contact information of your company
- MOF and TX ID numbers of your company
- Offer validity time
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