Researcher for Women Now for Development’s Advocacy Project on Inclusive Protection Mechanisms

2. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive paper that examines the socio-cultural barriers and institutional challenges that hinder the accessibility of legal protection rights for Syrian refugee women in Lebanon's Bekaa Region. The research should identify current gaps, strengths, and opportunities within the protection mechanisms and propose actionable recommendations to improve accessibility, inclusivity, and justice within the context of the Mid Bekaa area.

3. Scope of Work

The researcher will be responsible for:

  • Conducting a thorough literature review relevant to the Mid Bekaa area.
  • Supporting in the implementation of data collection (e.g., surveys, FGDs, KIIs) to gather qualitative and/or quantitative data.
  • Analyzing the data to identify gaps and strengths in the current systems.
  • Writing a detailed research paper that follows the agreed-upon structure, including recommendations for policy and practice improvements.
  • Collaborating with WND to ensure the research aligns with our specific advocacy goals.
  • Presenting the findings and incorporating feedback.



4. Key Research Questions

The research will be guided by the following research question:

How do socio-cultural barriers and institutional challenges hinder the accessibility of legal protection rights for Syrian refugee women in Lebanon's Bekaa Region, and what measures can be implemented to address this issue effectively?”

The research should also answer the following sub-questions:

Local Level: targeting the communities of Chtaura, Majdal Anjar, Bar Elias, Mekseh, Marej, and Zahle, as well as local authorities and influencers / community leaders.

  • Identify the predominant perception on Gender Equality in Chtaura, Majdal Anjar, Bar Elias, Mekseh, Marej, and Zahle, from the perspectives of the community and of local authorities or influencers.
  • Identify the current gaps and challenges in the current reporting mechanism(s) in Chtaura, Majdal Anjar, Bar Elias, Mekseh, Marej, and Zahle.
  • Analysis of the social tissue in Chtaura, Majdal Anjar, Bar Elias, Mekseh, Marej, and Zahle.

National level:

  • Identify the predominant perception on Gender Equality in Lebanon from the perspectives of the community and of the authorities. 
  • Identify the current gaps and challenges in the current reporting mechanism(s) in the Lebanese administration and ISF centers
  • Analysis of the current existing constitutional practices and supporting laws 

5. Methodology

The researcher is expected to:

  • Review existing literature and relevant policy documents related to Mid Bekaa specifically and the whole country in general.
  • Design a research methodology that includes qualitative and/or quantitative data collection methods.
  • Support the team in conducting interviews, focus groups, or surveys with relevant stakeholders (e.g., local authorities, influencers, community-based organizations, survivors etc.).
  • Analyze the data using appropriate methods.
  • Ensure that the research is ethical and respects the confidentiality of participants.



6. Deliverables

  • Inception Report: Outlining the research design, methodology, and timeline.
  • Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing protection mechanisms and relevant socio-cultural and legislative contexts specific to the Bekaa area.
  • Draft Research Paper: Initial draft of the paper for review and feedback.
  • Final Research Paper: A final version of the paper, incorporating all feedback.
  • Two versions of the final Research Paper, one in English and one in Arabic.
  • Presentation: A summary of the research findings.

7. Timeline

The research is expected to end by December 20th, 2024. Below is a proposed timeline:

  • Inception Report: end of September
  • Literature Review: 3rd week of October
  • Data Collection: end of November
  • Draft Research Paper: 1st week of December
  • Final Research Paper: 3rd week of December
  • Presentation: 1st week of January
  • 8. Qualifications and Experience

    The ideal candidate should have:

  • PhD or a master’s degree in social sciences, gender studies, public policy, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in conducting research on gender, disability, refugee issues, or related topics in the Middle East, preferably in Lebanon.
  • Strong understanding of the Lebanese context, social, regulations, systems and structures.
  • Strong understanding of socio-cultural, legislative, and institutional barriers in the context of the Bekaa area and the refugee context is an added value.
  • Excellent analytical, written and communication skills both in Arabic and English.
  • At least five years of experience as a researcher or study leader.
  • Proficiency in research design, research report writing, and source analysis
  • Flexibility and adaptability to work as a team with other consultants
  • 9. Budget

    The total budget is $3500 to be divided over the course of four months as follows:

  • September $500
  • October $500
  • November $500
  • December $2000 upon the delivery of the final research.


How to apply


  • 10. Application Process

    Interested candidates are invited to submit:

  • A cover letter outlining their relevant experience and approach to the research.
  • A detailed CV.
  • Applications should be sent to [email protected] by September 6th.

  • A sample of previous relevant work (e.g., research papers, reports).
  • A proposed timeline and budget.
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 12. سبتمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months