Request for Application - IRC - Makani 2024, North Lebanon
This request for applications invites local organizations to apply for partnership funding from IRC for a project focused on the North Governorate of Lebanon. The project aims to address various needs through multi-sectoral interventions. Key areas of focus include Education, Early Childhood Development, Health and Nutrition, and Child Protection. The primary donor for this project is UNICEF, and the deadline for applications is on the 14th of August 2024.
Before applying to this call, please refer to the attached document "Request For Application-IRC-Makani 2024" for instructions and additional details.
How to apply
Please submit your application electronically to IRC’s Partnerships Unit: [email protected] with the subject line “Makani North Partner RFA 2024”. You do not need to submit hard copies. Please submit your application by the 14th of August 2024 by 18:00. IRC will not consider any application submitted after that date and time.
All communication related to the request for application should be sent to [email protected].
If you have questions, please submit those questions to IRC’s Partnerships Unit: [email protected] by 6th of August, the latest. IRC intends to respond to all questions via email by the 9th of August. To ensure that this Request for Applications process is fair, questions asked outside this formal Q&A process and channels will not be answered.
IRC feedback - Following the closure of the Request for Applications (RFA) period, the IRC will evaluate the different applications to identify potential partner organizations.
Each application must include the following documents:
- Proposal Narrative (refer to Annex 1)
- Topline Budget (refer to Annex 2).
- Implementation Plan Registration documents; Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance Documents if applicable
- Organizational organogram, including departments if available, and technical capacities of key staff working on the project.
- External Audit report if applicable
- CP policy, PSEA policy, and Code of Conduct.
Formats for the Proposal Narrative, Budget, Budget Notes, and detailed implementation plan are included with this package. Please comply with those formats and complete all sections of each document. IRC may not consider incomplete applications, at its discretion. All applications must be in English.
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