Expert to conduct participants' training on cash for work principles, work ethics, and life skills

Assignment: Expert to conduct participants' training on cash for work principles, work ethics, and life skills

Location: Tekrit, Daher El Layssineh, Dawra, Rahbeh, Beyt Mallat, Chekh Taba, and Gebrayel- Akkar Governorate  

Number of Sessions: 30 sessions

Start date: 4th week of July 2024

End date: 4th week of January 2025

Organization Background:

The Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF) is a Lebanese non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization, established on November 22, 1991, two years after President René Moawad’s assassination, who was elected President of the Lebanese Republic on November 5, 1989 and killed 17 days later. President René Moawad believed in a strong and democratic state and fought for a progressive and modern Lebanon, a peaceful Lebanon, which embraces the values of democracy, human rights, moderation and pluralism.

Project Background:

The project’s objective is to alleviate poverty and improve the food security of vulnerable households. RMF, through this project, will ensure the active engagement of 900 vulnerable beneficiaries, in short-term cash for work opportunities tackling light rehabilitation, construction, within 6 villages in Akkar namely Tekrit, Daher El Layssineh, Dawra, Rahbeh, Beyt Mallat, and Gebrayel- Akkar Governorate. Each CfW participant will be engaged for a cycle of 40 working days. Accordingly, each cycle starts with the first aid training session before participants join the field works. Each cycle consisting of 150 CfW participants

Task Objective:

The Rene Moawad Foundation is seeking a contractor to conduct trainings on construction works for 900 beneficiaries to increase knowledge and improve the quality of intervention.


900 beneficiaries, above 18 years of age, in sessions of 30 participants, each lasting 6 hours covering all the topics

Scope of work:

The scope of the assignment is limited to the trainings of Lebanese and Syrian Refugee beneficiaries under RMF activities. The contractor is expected to perform the following activities and provide updates and reports as detailed below:

  • Prepare an inception report with a comprehensive schedule for the delivery of the training in coordination with the project team.
  • Deliver a certificate based on the common practices in the field and provide the external training materials, among these, Power point presentations, workshop exercises, tools/resources, handouts for attendees, etc.
  • Ensure all activities are delivered on time
  • Ensure participation of all participants in the course
  • Coordinate with RMF on logistical arrangements and the availability of the beneficiaries for the training.

Topics to be covered:

  • Safety in construction sites
  • Cash for Work modality explanation
  • Employability: Self- Promotion / How to introduce yourself, Skills, Time Management, Preparation, Strengths, Negotiation
  • Positive Leadership, Career Guidance
  • Technical Instruction: Excavation and leveling, Concrete Works, Plastering, Curbstone installation, Painting Works, Fence installation, Welding Works, Cleaning equipment…

Key deliverables:

  • Deliver training sessions for all 900 beneficiaries via 30 sessions that include 30 participants each, and extend for 5- 6 hours’ maximum

Time Frame:

This assignment is for a period between the 4rd week of June 2024 and the 4th week of January 2025

Desired Qualifications, Specialized knowledge or experience:

The training is planned to be conducted by an institution or by a registered engineering firm, well‐established and highly qualified, with experience in provision of contracting.

The bidder should have established credibility in the following areas:

  • The contractor (Bidder) should have an excellent experience in the training and development area, with demonstrated knowledge and experience.
  • In addition to the profile of the institution, the team to deliver the service should have the following profile and qualification:
    • Ability to deliver timely training services to a big number of trainees in an organized manner.
    • Ability to track progress and completion of training courses.
    • Ability to deliver courses via Trainers meeting the needed profiles

How to apply

Proposals with all supporting documents should be addressed By maximum Thursday 27th June 2024 COB to Mrs. Nadine Machaalany


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 27. يونيو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العمل وسبل العيش