Baseline Study for Middle East North Africe (MENA) Regional Programme

Explanation of Danmission's new change-based results framework 

The global RF is divided into the three thematic areas of Danmission, with each their impact goal and including each of the outcomes contributing to that impact goal. Theme 1 has 2 outcomes, theme 2 has 2 outcomes, and theme 3 has 3 outcomes. 

In the global RF, the societal actors have been divided into four types based on their expected roles and changes of behaviour related to the planned outcomes. The four categories are Local Community Actors (LCA), Empowering Actors (EA), Agenda-Setting Actors (ASA), and Political and Economic Actors (PEA).  

The Country/Regional Offices (CO/RO) have selected which of the global outcome goals they intend to contribute to through their programme and mapped the societal actors whose behaviour they intend to influence to work towards these outcomes, together with their partners, for the next four years. After that, the COs and ROs organised the societal actors in the above four types of actors and grouped them into sub-groups. 

The GRF contains a set of dimensions of behaviour for each of the four types of societal actors selected on basis of their expected contribution towards the planned outcome. The dimensions describe the possible behaviour of these actors in five scenarios going from harmful to thrivable. The dimensions cover e.g., representation, empowerment, advocacy, and action. (see attached TOR)

How to apply

To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to submit the following documents:   

Curriculum vitae of the consultant(s);   

 A technical proposal that includes:   

 -The methodology for the evaluation, including proposed workshops, interviews, meetings, focus groups, etc.   

 -A schedule that includes the different steps and deliverables    

 -The financial proposal for the completion of the above deliverables   

 -A short cover letter that demonstrates the experience of the consultant(s) on the methodology of outcome harvesting   

 -An (recent) example of a baseline study done by the consultant(s) 

Questions about the assignment can be directed to Julianne Sloth Bach, Advisor MEL & Systems,  

Questions about the procurement can be directed to Elie Bkassiny, Finance and Admin Manager,  

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 20. يونيو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حل النزاعات, الديمقراطية والحقوق المدنية, حقوق الإنسان والحماية, الدين، المعتقد والمبادىء
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 month