This is a multi-awarded open call for applications for the implementation of the activities selected in the framework of the SHABAKE II project. Initially, the selection of applications will be made on the basis of the eligibility and selection criteria mentioned in these rules. The selected candidates will be designated as partners of the multi award framework agreement.   

The eligibility to apply to this call for interest will be verified based on the requirements and supporting documents mentioned in this document requested by Expertise France.

In the second phase, the partners of the framework agreement will be invited at regular intervals to present project proposals on issues related to the emergency mechanism.

The overall objective of the SHABAKE 2 project covered by this call for projects is to support social cohesion, peace and stability and promote gender equality by engaging civil society organizations to play a vital role in crisis management and to provide sustainable support to vulnerable host communities and Syrian refugees.

The specific objective of this Call for Interest is to complete a roster of Lebanese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) capable to implement emergency response projects through a rapid response mechanism (RRM).

The sectors covered by this rapid response mechanism fall under the “early recovery” thematic. Following the UNDP definition of early recovery, “it is an integrated, inclusive, and coordinated approach to gradually turn the dividends of humanitarian action into sustainable crisis recovery, resilience building and development opportunities”[1].

The partnership, between EF and NGOs, will cover sectors complementary to humanitarian approaches aiming to provide immediate relief with medium-term sustainability.


The call for interest aims to form a list of eligible organisations able to implement projects answering to a crisis, called “Rapid Response Mechanism” (RRM).

The establishment of the mechanism aims to allow a fast procedural process in terms of contract signature and intervention implementation.

The RRM is composed of two types of response system, allowing to answer different type of crisis: the protracted crisis, and newly arising emergencies.

  1. The mechanism for protracted crisis covers responses to the economic and governance crisis, including interventions to cover growing and ongoing needs resulting from the economic collapse, job market strains and livelihood, basic needs and services provision, unmet blast recovery needs etc. Applications are accepted on a rolling monthly basis, and will be reviewed and selected each month.
  2. Newly arising emergencies: upon the rise of new emergencies, the donor will be able to give orientations to convey the funding towards a specific sector.  This could include the follow-up of emergencies such as explosion, localised conflicts, war, political-related crisis (elections related emergencies, localised violence, etc.), damages to infrastructures, etc. The roster will be made aware of the possibility of sending specific applications for those newly arising emergencies. Applications will be accepted, reviewed and selected on a rolling basis.

Inclusion into the component 3 of Shabake 2 project:

The NGOs who are later selected to receive a grant will be involved in Component 3 activities of Shabake 2, especially in the aid localization promotion and within the Communities of Practices. The objective is to facilitate the coordination and exchange of good practices among the rapid response mechanism grantees, and with the other NGOs implementing a grant awarded through SHABAKE 2 project.


Types of Grants:

  • grants for action.
    • Through this type of grant, the organization should detail all activities pertaining to the implementation of the response to the crises.  This type of grant is an implementing commitment – Full assessments cannot be carried out under this grant.


The planned initial duration of a project may not be less than 3 months or exceed 6 months.


Sectors or themes

The sectors covered by the implemented grants could include, but not limited to:

  • Food security
  • Support to income generation activities: Micro and Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), rehabilitation, refurbishment or financial support, TVET and small grants, support for agricultural services and inputs, cash for work, etc.
  • Improving the access to basic services: rehabilitation of small infrastructures in communities, shelter, business assets and equipment, water/irrigation/electricity facilities, schools), debris management, etc.
  • Social protection

Several crosscutting principles will be considered for all projects: gender, environment, local approach.


All applicants must adhere to transparency, accountability and a do no harm approach.


Geographical coverage

Projects must be implemented in one of the 9 governorates of Lebanon: Akkar, Baalbeck-Hermel, Beirut, Bekaa, Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon, Nabatiyeh, Keserwan-Jbeil and South Lebanon.

Total amount of financial support made available by Expertise France

The indicative total amount made available under this call for projects is € 714,286 / 765,714 USD*.

*inforeuro rates in force in May 2024

Expertise France reserves the right not to allocate all of the available funds.


Grant amounts

Any request for a grant under this call for projects must lay between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

minimum amount: USD 50,000

maximum amount (for single applications): USD 100,000

maximum amount (for consortium applications): USD 150,000



.8.2 Indicative timetable




  1. Information session meeting for interested candidates:

Link for registration:


3rd of June 2024

10:00 a.m. Beirut time

  1. Information session for interested candidates:

Link for registration:


10th of June 2024

10:00 a.m. Beirut time

  1.  Deadline clarification requests issued to Expertise France

18th of June 2024

17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time

  1.  Last date on which clarifications are given by Expertise France

20th of June 2024

17:00 Paris Time/18:00 Beirut Time

  1.  Submission deadline for the call for interest

1st of July 2024

17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time

  1.  Notification of applicants regarding opening, administrative verifications, eligibility (Stage 1)

10TH July 2024

17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time

  1.  Signing the framework agreement

17th of July 2024



How to apply

intrested organisations must submit their applications through Expertise France procurement portal: 

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 01. يوليو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية, التدريب وبناء القدرات