Consultancy for the prefiguration of a Mountains Careers Campus

The consultant will have to carry out a diagnosis and a census of the professions and know-how in the mountain economy sector of Zgharta and Bsharre Cazas.

Beyond the diagnosis, the consultant will have to:

  • Restore this diagnosis in the form of a database and produce a catalogue or guide exhaustively listing the actors, trainings, and professions.
  • Issue recommendations on the conditions for the sustainability of jobs (economic strategy/jobs relationship), including by proposing innovative solutions in the career approach.
  • Draft the terms of reference for the Mountain Careers Campus.

In the details:

Expected activities

  • Formalizing the scope of the diagnosis with the team and project partners.
  • Meetings with training authorities at national and local levels (communities with training-teaching competences).
  • Census of the training offers (secondary and higher) linked to mountains as well as affiliated professions: accommodation and catering, guiding, outdoor sports, and peripherical professional sectors (such as agriculture).
  • Identification of economic and social actors on the territory.
  • Identification of research institutes affiliated with the study sector.
  • Organization of consultations between different stakeholders to present the “mountain careers campus” model in collaboration with the “Qadisha Durable” program team.
  • Writing the terms of reference for the future “mountain careers campus”.
  • Assistance in identifying actors.

Expected deliverables

  • Framing document.
  • The list of actors to meet.
  • Reports of the meetings.
  • A summary note resuming the stages of the diagnosis and the analyzed professions. 
  • A database listing professions, trainings, education, and economic actors. 
  • A catalog-side guide listing training courses and actors.
  • The list of stakeholders implied in the consultations.
  • A presentation frame to be used for the meetings.
  • A summary document with actors’ recommendations and working axes allows the prefiguration of the careers campus. 
  • Reports of the exchanges with the project’s team and the actors. 
  • The production of terms of reference.

How to apply

See the attached TOR.

Interested bidders must submit their applications before the mentioned deadline by email to: gestion@qadishadurable.commentioning the following title: "Consultancy for the prefiguration of a Mountains Careers Campus"

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 10. يونيو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
6 Months max