Technical Expert in Waste Management
Technical Expert in Waste Management
Project name:SWAM Akkar. Supporting Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Jurd al-Kaytee
Projectreference:AICS AID 012314/01/5
Activity: A.4.1.1.Technical Expert in WASH and Waste Management
Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965. For more than 50 years of long-term support and constant presence in the field, COOPI has been engaged in breaking the cycle of poverty and responding to specific emergencies in numerous sectors, including Food Security, Humanitarian Aid, Health,Socio-Economical Services, Water and Sanitation, Human Rights, Education and Training, Migrations and Sustainable Energy.
COOPI is formally registered in Lebanon since 2015, COOPI is currently implementing intervention in North Governorate and Akkar, working in the sectors of Solid Waste Management, Food Security and Livelihoods, Education and Protection. Current donors of COOPI in Lebanon include the European Union Delegation, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and private donors. COOPI in Lebanon works in partnership with different actors, including international and national NGOs, National and Local Authorities.
Background of the SWaM Programme:
COOPI is requesting a Technical Expert in Solid Waste to contribute to the implementation to specific Programme activities within the implementation of a coherent waste transfer and recycling system according to the Master Plan for Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Jurd Al Kaitee.
The proposed Waste Management System main objectives are:
- To be integrated and sustainable, institutionally and financially capable to deliver proper and inclusive waste management services;
- To re-arrange and standardize collection to reduce costs, optimize efficiency and move to multiple streams collection;
- To develop resource recovery through source sorting and support the efforts towards a circular economy in the union;
- To reduce the volume of waste and the environmental impacts through treatment before disposal;
- To ensure Public Health and Environmental Protection through safe disposal.
The proposed Waste Collection System is really innovative compared to the traditional waste collection system in use. It provides for door-to-door collection of organic waste and recyclable materials and collection points for residual waste. Once collected, residual waste will be transferred directly to the transfer stations for stabilization, then it will be transferred to the legal landfill in Srar. On the other hand, organic and recyclable materials will be transferred to the facilities and processed there: the former turned into compost, the latter to be resold on the market. In order to enable the implementation of this system, therefore, it is necessary to upgrade the MRFs in Mishmish and Fnaideck so that they can be self-sufficient, to set up two new transfer stations in Ain al Dahab (west area of UoMJK) and Fnaideck for residual waste, to rehabilitate and close the illegal landfill in Fnaideck.
The proposed activities are based on key documents designed by implementing partners and are (i) Operational Plans for residual and recyclable, (ii) Implementation Plan, (iii) Cost Recovery Plan and (iv) Governance Model. The intervention aims at the improvement of the quality of environment in the Union of Municipality of Jurd al-Kaytee, through the reduction of the pollution in Lebanon, specifically concerning the waste and water management, in line with the achievement of the SDGs of Agenda 30.
How to apply
The proposal must be sent to not later than 22 May 2024. ensuring the subject line is denoted with the heading “SWAM Technical Expert”.
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