Context & Background

LLWB  in partnership with GIZ has initiated  EBDA3 which aims to provide comprehensive support to 25 women led MSMEs in the areas of Baalbek and Hasbaya, Lebanon. The overarching goal of the initiative is to promote energy efficiency and women's economic empowerment. This will be achieved through technical assistance, in-kind support towards energy technologies, energy auditing, capacity building, energy monitoring, access to internal and external markets, and sharing awareness and experience.

This will be conducted by addressing their needs and challenges to identify needs and gaps for MSMEs and therefore to put a plan for the MSMEs based on tailored training and content and providing them with in-kind grants.

Scope of work

In this upcoming activity the expert will conduct a needs assessment around the selected MSMEs from Hasbaya and Southern Beqaa regions, and the data will be analyzed and structured in a report about their challenges and needs as MSMEs. As a result, the experts will identify the needed training that will enhance the skills development and capacity building of each MSME.

The final report will include the results of the desk review, analysis of the findings, and a clear action plan that includes the identification of the training topics that are needed, and the different levels of trainings required to develop the business of the MSMEs. Moreover, the report will include the in‐kind support needed by each of the 25 MSMEs. For each MSME, a priority list of such support will be identified.


The selected experts will be committed to providing the following within a 2-month period:

  • Conduct in-person meetings with MSMEs.
  • Develop a questionnaire containing open and closed-ended questions that will support in the needs assessment.
  • Submit final report at the end of this activity highlighting, the results of the desk review, analysis of the findings, and a clear action plan including:
  • The identification of the training topics that are needed, and the different levels of training required, to develop the MSME business.
  • The in‐kind support needed by each of the 25 MSMEs.
  • Any additional analysis related to business development.


  • Having proven experience working with MSMEs in the Agri sector.
  • Experience in conducting needs assessments and SWOT analysis for small businesses and working with MSMEs in different sectors.
  • Experience in conducting surveys, interviews, and data collection methods tailored to MSME development.

How to apply

To apply, please submit your resume and proposal by email to [email protected]  by 28 February 2024. In the subject of the email mention “Call for Experts | EBDA3”.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 28. فبراير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months