Legal and/or Financial Tax Office - Lebanon


Medair is looking for a Legal and/or financial tax office, to represent Medair and be delegated on behalf of Medair . The purpose is to ensure that Medair remains legally compliant and is able to continue operating.

The selected company(ies) will:

  • Be Trustworthy.
  • Have a nuanced understanding of interpretations of relevant legal decrees
  • Be able to clearly communicate and advise on associated risks
  • Have timely follow-up and delivery on deadlines.
  • Have a proven track record


Structure of bid

Interested bidders are requested to quote for:

Lump sum retainer amount, with a separate list of the prices of any services/limits beyond the lumpsum retainer amount quoted, including additional visitors, additional staff entered or removed from NSSF etc.

The Financial/administrative section, the Legal section, and both sections together. Bidders may submit for only one element.

Duration  :

           Year 1: April 2024-March 2025

             Year 2: April 2025-March 2026

              Total of both years from April 2024-March 2026.


Please complete your quotation based on the following information:

Number of national staff: Between 100-120, including around 5% Palestinians, and an estimated staff turnover of 20 people per year.

Number of international staff: 5

Average Number of visitors requiring visas per year: 10 


Financial and administrative

  1. Register and remove national and international staff in NSSF and MoF as they start and end work with Medair.
  2. Submitting staff Status updates for MOF.
  3. Processing and submitting Family Allowances schedules monthly as per the updates provided according to each employee's personal status.
  4. Calculate and process monthly and yearly payments to NSSF, calculate quarterly MOF schedule of payments (approximate number of staff ranges from 100-120). Salary Taxes.
  5. Facilitate submission of annual reporting to MoF and MoI and prepare or approve any other official communications with any government body as needed.
  6. Keep Medair Team up to date with all taxes changes.
  7. Annually update Medair’s MoI delegation/appointment certificate
  8. Apply for volunteer residencies, work permits/residencies for non-Lebanese persons associated with Medair, including visitor visas for short-term appointments of certain nationalities (this will be approximately 10 people on an annual basis)
  9. Inform Medair of all official communications announced by the Government of Lebanon and their effect on Medair.
  10. Other reasonable financial responsibilities arising.

Note that direct costs charged directly by General Security Office and NSSF will be paid separately according to official receipts.

Legal Counsel

  1. Offer legal advice upon request per an annual retainer (not to be billed by time), including review of Medair documents for their legal compliance.
  2. Drafting Written warnings for staff
  3. Termination of employees.
  4. Represent Medair in legal cases or formal meetings (if necessary) 

Additional questions :

Please share an overview of the personnel structure, including responsibilities of different staff roles or external contractors.


Please state your anticipated availability and responsiveness (response time):

Please state your normal method(s) of providing legal advice (e.g. phone/email/face-to-face meetings, voice notes etc):

Documents to be shared:

  • References, including NGO references
  • Portfolio of the law firm
  • Lawyers applying should submit proof of their membership in the syndicate.


Selection Process:

  1. After the deadline for quotations, Medair will conduct an initial selection meeting and identify 2-4 bids to move to the next stage.
  2. Medair will conduct meetings with the pre-selected bids, discuss terms and conditions and follow up references.
  3. Medair will then make a final decision. 

How to apply


Interested bidders are requested to quote for:

Lump sum retainer amount, with a separate list of the prices of any services/limits beyond the lumpsum retainer amount quoted, including additional visitors, additional staff entered or removed from NSSF etc.

The Financial/administrative section, the Legal section, and both sections together. Bidders may submit for only one element.


       Year 1: April 2024-March 2025

       Year 2: April 2025-March 2026

       Total of both years from April 2024-March 2026.


Questions, quotation and required documents to be sent to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 23. فبراير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة النفسية, المأوى والمواد غير الغذائية