Terre des hommes (Tdh) is Switzerland's largest children's aid organization . Since 1960, Tdh has been helping to build a better future for underprivileged children and their communities through innovative and sustainable solutions. Active in nearly 40 countries,
Tdh works with local and international partners to develop and implement projects on the ground that improve the daily lives of more than four million children and members of their communities, in the areas of health, protection and emergency. This commitment is funded by individual and institutional support, with administrative costs kept to a minimum.
TdH hereby calls for an internal demonstration in connection with the sale of one Generator, hereinafter described and referred to as “Lot 1"
Article 1. Designation of Lots

Job Order: VPH3982
KVA rating: P15
Oil /A-F Levels: 6 LTR/1.98 L tr
Engine model :403A-15G2
Engine SN: GU51794U529264F
Alternator Details: 37684900003-TAL040DN
Full load: 24.70 V/2.00 A
“Floor” price: 3000 USD

• "Floor price" means the minimum amount of the bid proposal. Any amount below this amount will be rejected and the bid will be disqualified.
• The LOT 1 can be seen in the office of Terre des Hommes' offices in South Lebanon, Tyre, Mohammad Al Zayat Street , Nahli building 3rd floor .

Article 2. Eligibility
• The auction is open to Tdh employees and external bidders (company, private person…). Tdh members of the committee (as listed in Article 5 of this Regulation) are excluded of the auction
• Coordination members or their families are not eligible to bid.

Article 3. Terms
• The deadline for participation is Friday, 7 June 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
• The offer proposal is made has a secret ballot, in one envelope.
• The bid forms, the rules and the registration form can be collected to the Logistics Department of the Tyre office, to Mr. Ali Khaled , Senior Logistic Officer , hereinafter referred to as "the receiver".

o The first envelope :
Will be handed over to the receiver, opened.
• It will contain the completed bidding form.
• The receiver will write the anonymization number on the ballot.
• Only the batch number will be written on the envelope. and nothing else.

o The second envelope :
• Will be given open to the receiver to ensure that the settlement is initialed and signed.
• It will contain these rules accepted and signed by the bidder with each page initialed at the bottom has right; as well as ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES completed and signed
• On the envelope will be written only the lot number, and nothing else.

o Submission of bids :
• When the envelopes are handed over, the bidder's contact details (Norn, first name, position, telephone number and email address) will be recorded by the recipient in a file to which the award committee will not have access, and an anonymization number will be assigned.
• This number will not be shared with the bidder.
• This number will be transferred to both envelopes by the receiver.
• Proof of participation will be given to the bidder.
• The two envelopes will be kept and segregated in a safe place.
• If the bidder wishes to bid on both lots, then this must be done on two separate bid forms, two separate entry forms and two separate payment acceptances.

Article 4. Concerning bidders who are not posted to Lebanon.
• For bidders who are not registered in Lebanon, the request and return of the bulletin and payment will be done by email to the following address: [email protected]
• The documents will be enveloped by the receiver.
• Proof of participation will be sent by email.
• In the event that an employee who is not a registered employee in Lebanon wins the auction, he/she may, in the event of impossibility of travel, appoint a representative of his choice for withdrawal. A document known as a "power of attorney" must be used, completed, and returned to the same email address. The document will be put in an envelope by the receiver with the payment.

Article 5. Award
• The opening of bids will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, in Lebanon.
• Bids will be opened by a specially constituted committee, acting in complete neutrality and integrity, excluding in good faith, any favoritism or preference.
The committee will be composed of:
o Chairman: Lama Hattab , Head of Delegation
o Recording Secretary: Mira Zaidan -Admin assistant
o Assessor 1: Ali Khaled, Senior Logistic Officer
• Each lot is awarded to the highest bidder.
• A bidder can be awarded both lots if their two bids are the best.
• In the event of two or more equal proposals for the same lot, the following will be carried out: a manual drawing of lots by the chairman of the committee, under the benevolent attention of the other members.
• The results will be sent to the Receiver who will announce them. They will be published and emailed all bidders, on the same day.
• The committee is sovereign, and its decisions are indisputable.

Article 6. Acquisition and possession.
o Acceptance of the lot
• The highest bidder will be notified by mail.
• They will have 24 hours to contact the logistics department.
• In case of withdrawal, the second-best person will be contacted in the same way.
o Payment
• The buyer will then have to pay a deposit of 10% of the sale price, within 2 working days, to secure the transaction.
• The deposit paid is non-refundable.
• The purchaser will have 45 days to pay the remainder of the sum and the administrative procedures referred to in the last paragraph of Article 1 of this
regulation, i.e. to put the vehicle on the road. He will have to present all the
documents proving the completion of these administrative procedures.
• If the buyer is unable to pay the balance and the administrative procedures within the given period, the deposit will be forfeited and TDH will consider the 2nd offer according to the same conditions of sale.
• The contract of sale will only be signed and the lot officially transferred to the buyer,
with the dice and all the necessary documents, only once the full payment of the amount has been made and validated by the Administrative and Financial Coordinator and the administrative documents for circulation have been validated by the Logistics Coordinator.
o Evacuation of the lot
• The buyer will have 5 working days after the date of signing the contract to vacate the lot from Tdh's premises.
• The buyer cannot ask Tdh's assistance for evacuation of the lot.
• All handling and transportation costs are at the charge of the buyer

Article 7. After the sale.
• Once the contract is signed, the buyer becomes the legal owner of the vehicle. Consequently, neither TdH nor its insurers can be legally bound liable in the event of an accident and/or injury to a third party, occurring after the transfer of ownership.

• No after-sales service, whatever its nature, can be provided by TdH after the contract has been signed.

Article 8. Cancellation of the auction.
• Tdh reserves the right not to respond to offers if they prove to be unsatisfactory.
• This auction may be canceled or suspended in the event of a major disaster event.

How to apply

Please write clearly and in capital letters, in order to avoid any misreading.
I, the undersigned: (Full Norn)
Telephone number :
Acknowledge that I have read, understood, and accepted these rules and that I am making my bid offer with full knowledge of the facts and in good conscience.
I initial every page of this regulation with my initials.
Done the :23.5.2024 At : Lebanon, South Lebanon, Tyre
(Preceded by the handwritten notation " read and approved ")

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 07. يونيو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب