Request for Proposal - Provision and Installation of Generator and Photovoltaic (PV) system for Ras el Matn composting station
ECODIT Beirut LLC (henceforth ECODIT), implementing USAID-funded DAWERR project, invites qualified offerors to submit Proposals for the Provision and Installation of Generator and Photovoltaic (PV) system for Ras el Matn composting station in accordance with the specifications listed under this RFP. Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit any comments or questions concerning this RFP by the deadline for submission of questions as stated above. All questions related to this RFP must be submitted to Carla Hammoud at, Jad Sakr at and Capricia Chabarekh at Unless otherwise notified by an amendment to this RFP, no questions will be accepted after this date. If substantive questions are received which affect the solicitation, or if changes are made prior to the closing date and time, this solicitation will be amended. Any amendments to this solicitation shall be issued to all prospective Offerors. All questions shall be answered to all interested offerors via e-mail.
The Proposal (technical and cost) must be in English and comprised of soft copy indicating the RFP number, title, and closing date. The Proposal must be delivered by email at , and no later than Wednesday February 28, 2024, 5:00pm (Beirut time).
- Purpose – The purpose of this solicitation is to receive proposals for the Provision and Installation of Generators and PV systems for Ras el Matn composting station.
- Offeror’s Agreement with Terms and Conditions – The completion of all RFP requirements in accordance with the instructions in this RFP and submission to ECODIT/DAWERR of a Proposal will constitute a proposal and indicate the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. ECODIT reserves the right to award a subcontract without discussion and/or negotiation; however, ECODIT also reserves the right to conduct discussions and/or negotiations, which among other things may require an Offeror to revise its proposal (technical and/or price). Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates ECODIT to award a subcontract, nor does it commit ECODIT to pay any costs incurred by the Offeror in preparing and submitting a proposal.
- Index of RFP – This RFP is comprised of the following sections and appendices:
Sections of RFP
Section 1 Proposal Instructions/Additional Information
Section 2 Description of Work and Services Requested
Section 3 Evaluation Criteria
Section 4 Special Provisions
Appendix A: Proposal Cover Letter
Appendix B: Bill of Quantity
Appendix C: Method Statement – Outline
Appendices D, E, F, G: Drawings and Specifications for Generator and PV System for Ras el Matn composting station.
Appendix H: QA/QC Procedures
Appendix I: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) for the provision and installation of generator and PV system
- Composition of Proposal
Offeror shall submit Proposal for items detailed in Appendix B, Bill of Quantity. The proposal will consist of Appendices A, B, and C. Offeror must provide adequate and qualified staff for all work including Site Manager, in addition to two site engineers including electrical and civil engineers. Offeror shall elaborate on Staff Members in its Detailed Method Statement, that will be submitted as part of the Technical Proposal. During implementation, any staff acting irresponsible in an unsafe manner shall be immediately terminated under the awarded subcontract.
Proposals may be accepted by ECODIT and executed as a subcontract without any discussions, or ECODIT may decide to open discussions as necessary to clarify any issues in the proposals. ECODIT also has the option to amend the solicitation as necessary prior to any Subcontract Award. ECODIT will notify and provide all offerors with any amendment pertaining to this RFP.
Proposed prices must be in USD, exempted of VAT. ECODIT Beirut LLC is exempt from paying VAT under license number EFF/2021/64 issued by the Ministry of Finance on 06/29/2020. ECODIT reserves the right to request a breakdown of the price and additional justification for items that are underbudgeted or overbudgeted by the offerors. ECODIT reserves the right to request an additional justification for items that are underbudgeted or overbudgeted by the offerors.
ECODIT encourages bidders to provide their offers for provision and installation of both generator and PV system.
Offerors shall submit their proposals signed and stamped in soft copies.
How to apply
- Offerors must submit two packages divided as below and delivered by email to DAWERR staff mentioned on the cover page.
- Administrative & Technical Documents Package:
- All pages of the RFP signed and sealed including all appendices.
- Detailed Method Statement for Provision and Installation of Generator and PV system for Ras el Matn composting station (following the outline included in Appendix C) including a Work Plan (to be developed based on the BOQ included in Appendix B).
- Technical documents including certificates, calculations, warranties as applicable.
- Financial Offer Package:
- Offeror shall submit proposed pricing in prescribed format found in Appendix B for the generator and PV system, based on final design drawings included in Appendices D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K: Drawings and Specifications for Generator and PV System for Ras el Matn composting station. The offeror shall write his/her prices (in US dollars) in numbers and letters (for the total price) with signature, stamp, and date on each page of the list of works specifications, required quantities, and individual and total prices.
- The total value of the works must be clearly indicated for each item separately, as well as the overall total, all in US dollars (fresh USD).
- Cover Letter on the Offeror’s letterhead, signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Offeror. Use the template in Appendix A.
- Type of Subcontract: ECODIT intends to issue a Fixed Unit Price Not-To-Exceed (NTE) Fixed Price Ceiling subcontract for the provision and installation of generator and PV system for Ras el Matn composting station. The fixed unit prices or the NTE fixed price ceiling will not be subject to any increase on the basis of the subcontractor's cost experience in performing the work.
- Performance:
- Upon award of the subcontract, the Subcontractor shall immediately commence the work.
- After the subcontract is issued, neither ECODIT nor the Subcontractor may alter it without a formal bilateral modification.
- Under no circumstance shall any adjustments authorize the subcontractor to be paid in excess of the fixed unit prices or fixed price ceiling.
- The subcontractor may delegate or assign (subcontract) partial performance of a subcontract to another organization. This shall be included as part of the Proposal or subject to the written consent of the ECODIT Construction and Contract Managers after award.
- Payment terms: Deliverables and payment schedule will be included in the subcontract. Upon award, the subcontractor shall submit a Mobilization Plan for generator and PV system for Ras el Matn corresponding to the first payment/mobilization payment of 5% of the total amount of subcontract (considered as upfront payment). During implementation and following every payment request submitted by the subcontractor, ECODIT will review and issue a payment verification report including QA/QC approved documentation (refer to Appendix L for QA/QC Procedures). ECODIT will pay to the subcontractor the amount invoiced and approved after deducting 10% of every invoice as retention. ECODIT will release 5% of the retention after USAID issuance of completion verification and remaining 5% after six months (defect liability period) of completion verification.
- Proposal Pricing validity: Net 150 days from date of proposal submission
- Offerors must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
- Be registered in the Commercial Registry with a valid registration, and provide a copy of registration showing validity during the proposal validity period or beyond;
- Be registered with the Directorate of Value Added Tax (VAT) and provide a copy of the certificate of registration;
- Tax Identification number details (Tax registration Certificate)
- Operate a non-bankrupt business and provide (1) a non-bankruptcy statement issued by the competent bankruptcy court, and (2) a statement of the Bidder that he/she is not under judicial liquidation, issued by the Commercial Court; both statements should be dated no more than six months before the deadline for submitting the Proposal;
- Have a Professional Liability Insurance Policy with coverage for at least $500,000 for any one claim and $1,000,000 in the aggregate and provide a copy of it, or provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain such insurance prior to contract execution;
- Provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain a Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) insurance policy, Contractor General Liability Insurance policy, Workers’ Compensation Insurance (all-in-one or separate policies) prior to contract execution;
- Have implemented at least three similar projects worth at least $50,000 successfully in the past three years and provide relevant supporting documentation (experience on USAID funded projects is a plus);
- Contact person, telephone, and e-mail; and
- Have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number (request a Unique Entity ID only without having to complete a full registration) which can be obtained here:
The following types of organizations are not eligible under this RFP:
- Public International Organizations.
- Organizations with active exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM) – refer to;
- Any municipal/city, provincial and national government.
- Organizations that advocate, promote, or espouse anti-democratic policies or illegal activities.
- Political parties or institutions.
- Organizations that are on the list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-procurement programs or the United Nations Security Sanctions Committee.
- Any entity whose name or individual executives appears on any exclusions lists maintained by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) or UN’s master list of prohibited individuals or entities.
In addition, the following sources for PV systems are not eligible under this RFP:
- The following inverters brands are not accepted:
1. Huawei Technologies Company.
2. ZTE Corporation.
3. Hytera Communications Corporation.
4. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company.
5. Dahua Technology Company.
6. Or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities.
- The following panels brands are not accepted:
- Hoshine Silicon Industry (metallurgical grade silicon and silicon products)
- Xinjiang Daqo New Energy (polysilicon, wafers)
- Xinjiang East Hope Nonferrous Metals (polysilicon, ingots, wafers)
- Xinjiang GCL-New Energy Material (polysilicon, ingots, wafers, cells, modules)
- Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (state-owned paramilitary organization, electricity supplier)
As part of their Technical Proposals, Bidders shall submit proof of eligibility as well as documentation showing the material sources and producers/manufacturers.
- Conflict of Interest
In accordance with FAR 9.505 the Offerors shall take all reasonable and legal means to (a) prevent the existence of conflicting roles that might bias subcontractor’s judgment, and (b) prevent unfair competitive advantage. See FAR 9.505 for additional details.
This RFP concerns the provision and installation of generator and PV system for the composting station in Ras el Matn.
DAWERR is supporting Ras el Matn municipality and their local community to develop sustainable composting value chain for organic waste, including source separation, collection, and composting of organic waste through the construction of small-scale, low-tech, low-cost composting stations, creating local demand for the compost produced for agricultural, landscaping, or other uses as soil conditioner/fertilizer supplement. DAWERR will construct one central composting station in Ras el Matn and provide necessary equipment including generators and PV systems for the operation of the stations.
Over a three-month period, and based on drawings, BOQ and specifications included in Appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I the Contractor shall conduct the following:
- Supply and install the generator and the PV system;
- Install the electrical panel boards, cabling, and networks;
- Execute the steel structure holding the PV panels and its related reinforced concrete works;
- Test and commission the generator and PV system, and provide necessary warranties to the relevant municipality; and
- Train workers on the operation of the generator and PV system.
The Contractor will be expected to take possession of the site and begin installation upon receiving order to proceed from ECODIT. The contractor is expected to coordinate with the construction contractor under the direction of DAWERR Construction Manager or his designee.
Tentative timeline for provision and installation of generator and PV system : June 2024 - July 2024 – August 2024.
Coordinates of Ras el Matn composting station:
X -321607.9423
Y -35375.1636
All proposals received in response to this solicitation will be evaluated by DAWERR based on evaluation factors listed below. The subcontract shall be awarded based on the best value to DAWERR. The lowest price is not the determining factor for this award.
PRICE = 50
TOTAL = 100
4.1 Source and Nationality
This RFP and resultant subcontract will be funded by USAID and will be subject to U.S. Government and USAID regulations. The authorized USAID geographic code for this RFP is Code 937. Code 937 is defined as the United States, the cooperating/recipient country, and developing countries other than advanced developing countries, and excluding prohibited sources. A list of developing countries, advanced developing countries, and prohibited sources is available in USAID’s Automated Directives System, ADS 310 .
The following applies to this RFP and any resulting subcontract:
- Cooperating Country: “Cooperating country” means Lebanon.
- Source: “Source” means the country from which a commodity is shipped to the cooperating country or the cooperating country itself if the commodity is located therein at the time of purchase. However, where a commodity is shipped from a free port or bonded warehouse in the form in which received therein, “source” means the country from which the commodity was shipped to the free port or bonded warehouse
- Nationality: “Nationality” refers to the place of incorporation, ownership, citizenship, residence, etc. of suppliers of this good and must fall under the 937 code.
4.2 Inspection
ECODIT shall have reasonable time to inspect the work of the subcontractor anytime during the performance period of the subcontract based on the QA/QC Procedures (in Appendix F) as well as after handing over, and to reject acceptance if not conforming to the specifications of the subcontract and offer. Recovery of the rejected item (s) shall be the sole responsibility of the subcontractor.
4.3 Insurances
Offerors must have a Professional Liability Insurance Policy with coverage for at least $250,000 for any one claim and $500,000 in the aggregate and provide a copy of it or provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain such insurance prior to subcontract execution.
Offerors must have or provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain a Subcontractor’s All Risk (CAR) insurance policy, Subcontractor General Liability Insurance policy, Workers’ Compensation Insurance (all-in-one or separate policies) prior to subcontract execution. If Offerors cannot provide such Worker’s Compensation Insurance, Offerors must purchase a Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance upon execution of the subcontract (details will be provided in the subcontract).
4.4 Warranty
Warranty service and repair is required for the work under this RFP. The warranty coverage must be valid for 1 year after the delivery, installation and acceptance of completed work/provisional handing over, unless ECODIT otherwise specified in the technical specifications. As part of the Method Statement, Offerors shall describe their warranty and demonstrate how they will provide the services covered under the warranty period.
ECODIT expects that the warranty coverage must be valid on the requested PV On-Grid System as follows:
- PV modules: 10-year warranty on material and manufacturing
- Solar inverter/fuel controller: 5 years warranty on material and manufacturing
- Electrical works: 1 year
- Structure: shall be covered by a liability period of five years’ guarantee
The warranty coverage must be valid on the requested Generators as follows:
- Generator /Controller: 1 year warranty on material and manufacturing
- Fuel system:1 year
- Electrical work: 1 year
The warranty shall cover all works, manpower, spare parts, replacements, resulting from failure of equipment, systems and accessories supplied by the selected bidders, except when said failures are due to the Client’s fault.
Also, the Subcontractor shall be responsible for sharing with ECODIT copies of all warranties provided by third party vendors. The cost of any construction, item or materials will be replaced at no cost to ECODIT. The only exception to this warranty is if an occurrence of destruction or defect occurs due to an act caused by either climate or an act beyond the control of any person. All replacements or repairs shall be provided within 10 days after notification by ECODIT.
If the Subcontractor chooses not to repair or replace any defect or damage, then the Subcontractor shall reimburse ECODIT for all cost incurred to perform the repair or replacement. If the Subcontractor will not reimburse any defect or damage, then ECODIT shall use the 5% retention to repair or replace any defect or damage. If the cost of defect/damage exceeds the 5% and the subcontractor is not reimbursing the difference and/or is not cooperating with ECODIT, then any failure of the Subcontractor shall be reported to the Government of Lebanon’s Department of Justice for review, consideration, and enforcement. All fines and/or costs resulting from this referral will be the whole responsibility of the Subcontractor.
4.5 Training
Selected bidder(s) must conduct a demonstration and training on how to use the generator and solar PV system for workers responsible for operating the supplied equipment at the composting station in Ras el Matn and to provide guidance booklets and instruction manuals for the supplied equipment.
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