1. Objective

 Protection of the thermal sensitivity materials and the organoleptic characteristics of the fresh products.


  1. Technical Specifications

Material: Heater, evaporation chamber, foam remover, condenser, cooler and liquid receiver: All the parts contacting with materials are made of Stainless-Steel ISI 316, the equipment is quite compact and occupies little area and the layout is simple and fluent.

Capacity: 400 Liters.

Heater Type: Electric Heating.

Working Temperature: from 40 to 80 °C

Working pressure in Jacquet: 0.08 Mpa Maximum up to + 3 bar

Power: 10 KW Maximum.

Parts details:

  • Quick open Manhole / Pressure Manhole.
  • Various types of CIP cleaners.
  • Sterile respirator.
  • Adjustable legs with wheels.
  • Inlet and outlet sanitary valves.
  • Built-In PT digital Thermometer to check the temperature grade and Refractometer to check the Brix grade and Manometer to check the vacuum grade.
  • Sampling under vacuum.
  • Scraped wall mixer.
  • Tempered glass window or speculum to observe the product level and eventual foams formation.
  • Liquid level meter and lever controller.
  • Discharging tap with added a reduction nozzle.
  • The electrical control panel is in shockproof and thermally protected material with access/off commands and spy in case of frame in voltage alarm and the display for the product temperatures.


  1. Requirements & conditions

The service provider is required to deliver all items to Menjez-AKKAR along with the installation plus training and a 1 year warranty on the items.


  1. Company qualification

The company must have the following valid legal documents:

  • Commercial Circular
  • Fiscal Certificate of Incorporation at the Ministry of Finance
  • VAT Certificate of Registration if applicable
  • ID of company’s authorized representative(s)


  1. Evaluation
  • The quotation’s evaluation process will consider following with assigned weights:
  • Financial ......................................... 40%
  • Technical ........................................ 50%
  • Reputation & Reference Check ...... 10%


  1. Payment Terms
  • Payments will be made only through bank transfer or bank cheques
  • The price will be paid in USD while the VAT will be paid in LBP based on the official exchange rate on the date of the invoice.
  • Payment will be made within 15 business days of invoice receipt.

How to apply

  • Detailed offer and all legal documents to be submitted via email to: [email protected] 
  • Only selected candidates will be contacted
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 15. يناير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
زراعة, تنمية, التدريب وبناء القدرات