- Background Information and Rationale
- Introduction
EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) is a policy network that provides expertise in the field of gender equality as inseparable from democracy building and citizenship, and advocates for political solutions to all conflicts, and for the right of peoples to self-determination. EFI’s headquarter is in Paris and with offices in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.
EuroMed Feminist Initiative works with women’s rights activists and groups from Syria since 2008, and since 2013 EFI has implemented programs with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) aiming at supporting political transition in Syria with gender equality, women´s participation and women´s rights as inseparable of it, empowering Syrian women´s rights (WR) defenders, enhancing organisational development of Syrian partners, engendering processes taking place in Syria and for Syria, combating violence against women and girls (VAWG) and addressing discriminative for women legislation
In 2021 EuroMed Feminist Initiative started implementing the program “Supporting political transition in Syria through gender-sensitive social reconstruction” which aims to contribute to inclusive gender sensitive peace building and social reconstruction process in Syria. The implementation of the third phase started in January 2021 and end in December 2023.
- Rationale of the evaluation
EuroMed Feminist Initiative has conducted external evaluations of each Syria program since 2013 and wishes to conduct an external evaluation of the program “Supporting political transition in Syria through gender-sensitive social reconstruction” (2021-2023) focusing on progress to date, in accordance with the general terms of agreement with Sweden.
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results achieved linked to the overall and specific objectives as expressed to help guide future intervention planning by EuroMed Feminist Initiative and its partners. The evaluators must also assess the impact of the program. Evaluations shall conform to OECD/DAC’s Quality Standards for Development Evaluation. The evaluators shall use the Sida OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation.
- Overview of the Program
The overall objective of the SIDA funded program “Supporting political transition in Syria through gender sensitive social reconstruction” is to contribute to inclusive gender sensitive peace building and social reconstruction process in Syria.
The specific objectives of the program are:
- 1. VAWG and CRSV are better addressed and women’s participation in decision making, peace and national reconciliation processes is promoted.
- 2. Institutional capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are strengthened, and provision of thematic knowledge is structured.
- 3. Inclusive democratic change is promoted through fostering gender sensitive legal and policy changes and WR advancement.
There are six expected results:
R 1. WR CSOs and CBOs, have knowledge and skills to combat VAWG as a major barrier to women´s participation at all levels of decision making.
R 2. Networking and synergies among WR and human rights (HR) CSOs are enhanced, and civil society is unified behind common agenda on VAWG and WPS.
R 3. WR and HR organizations have strengthened their internal governance structures, and have greater sustainability and wider outreach.
R 4. Activists, including youth, have access to comprehensive, structured knowledge in women’s and gender issues.
R 5. Gender based discrimination in the personal status law and penal code is addressed by civil society and a comprehensive legal framework curbing VAWG is prepared.
R 6. Advocacy actions and follow up tools are developed.
If you are interested in learning more about the consultancy, please revert to the attached PDF document.
How to apply
Tenders should be submitted in English by email to both email: ife@efi-EuroMed.org and applications-lebanon@efi-ife.org indicating the reference: “External Evaluation" in the email subject.
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