Call for Consultant - Production House

Production House

Terms of Reference (TOR)


Job title

Production house for the creation, planning, and execution a media campaign to encourage women to run in the upcoming municipal elections

Project title

Women's Participation in Municipal Election in Lebanon 2023


To create one video and visual for a media campaign


  • Motivating women to take part in the decision-making process, at the local level.
  • Enhancing the role of women in promoting peace, and security through active participation in the public and political life.
  • Increasing women’s participation in municipal elections
  • Raising awareness of women's roles/impact, especially at the local level.


Beirut, Lebanon


4 weeks


8.000 USD - 10.000 USD

Reporting to

Project Coordinator, Projects Development Coordinator, and Executive Director at NCLW  



The National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) is the National Women Machinery and is an official institution affiliated with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. NCLW was established by law in 1998 to promote women’s rights in Lebanese society and enhance gender mainstreaming in public institutions.

As a National Women Machinery, NCLW works on enhancing the status of women and ensuring equal opportunities between men and women. NCLW acts as the consultative body of the government and national councils and institutions on all issues related to women’s status, including gender-based issues.


NCLW is working with ABAAD to achieve equality between women and men in Lebanon by increasing the number of women represented in elected bodies while taking into account findings and recommendations of lessons learned from past elections, and to implement the Lebanon NAP on UNSCR 1325.


From the local to the national level, women are underrepresented in the decision-making positions in Lebanon, as leaders, in the parliament, in the government, and in the municipalities despite women’s proven abilities to lead and be agents of change. Therefore, NCLW is inviting interested and qualified women to take part in the local decision-making process and run for municipal elections in May 2023.



NCLW is seeking to recruit a Production House to support in conceptualizing as well as design and execute a media campaign, by producing one video, and visuals targeting women from different regions in Lebanon, to encourage women to run as candidates in the upcoming municipal elections  in May 2023. This will aim to highlight the women’s role in promoting Peace and Security through active participation in decision-making positions, in public and political life, and raise awareness on gender equality and women's role at the local level.

Specific tasks:

  • Attending an introductory meeting with the NCLW team to get introduced to the project and understand the purpose of the media campaign and the main areas of interest.
  • Create a campaign concept and idea, then submit it to the NCLW team capturing the key points and objectives NCLW wants to make in the media campaign.
  • Preparing different draft scripts for a video capturing the main ideas and messages NCLW wishes to cover in the media campaign.
  • Providing a detailed work plan including options for storyboards, actors, filming locations, schedule, and scripts in Arabic and English.
  • Provide a detailed timeline of the work (researching, scouting, preparing, filming, delivering first draft, delivering final product...)
  • Ensuring drafting of the final video’s subtitles in both Arabic and English.
  • Producing and delivering the final video (average of 45 secs) in all relevant formats for TVs, YouTube, WhatsApp, and social media platforms.

Using or creating original music for the film in order to ensure that it would be allowed when published online.

  • Creating 2-3 visual samples for social media and billboards that reflect the same concept as the film, and ensuring the incorporation of NCLW comments, following numerous back-and-forth rounds.
  • Updating the project coordinator regularly on the workflow and challenges faced, attending periodic meetings.
  • Allow for a maximum of five draft revisions for the video.
  • Ensuring the branding and visibility of NCLW (and donors-if required) in the final products.




  • 1 Short video (45seconds) in two version, 1 with Arabic subtitle and 1 with English subtitles

2-3 visuals (stills) to be used on social media and billboard


Periodical meetings are to be held between the Production House, and the Project Coordinator, the Media Officer, the Projects Development Coordinator, and Executive Director at NCLW to keep them updated on workflow and challenges.


NCLW will ensure support as follows:

Provide consultant with needed information, references and videos

  • Provide consultant with NCLW branding guidelines and high quality logo
  • *also make sure to share the donors and partners logos if to be added to the video
  • Provide the consultant a disclaimer to add at the end of the video


Payment methods:

The payment will be divided into two installments. The first to be disbursed upon signed the service agreement and the other upon submission of the final video and required visuals.

Expected background and experience:

The assignment requires the following qualifications and experiences from the Production House:

  • A minimum of 5 to 6 years of professional experience in media campaigns.   
  • Access to high-quality filming, light, sound, and editing equipment.
  • Ability to operate under strict time limits and apply high production and technical standards to maintain a high level of professionalism.
  • Strong theoretical and practical background in film making, Advertising, Graphic Designing, and Creativity
  • Track record of successful materials filmed in the region and/or on similar topics would be an asset.
  • Previous experience in working on issues related to gender equality, women, and political participation.
  • Ability to show practical and technical qualifications and experiences in creating advertising and marketing strategies and video ads over the Internet
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in Arabic and English.  


How to apply

Interested Production Houses must submit the following documents to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Advertising and Production house’s detailed information.
  • A copy of the legal and tax Production House’s registration.
  • Advertising and Production house portfolio highlighting previous work experience.
  • Detailed list with technical information on the equipment intended for use, including camera, light, sound, and editing software.
  • Brief presentation of the team, with CVs and functional responsibilities of the key people to be engaged in the production of the video.
  • A separate financial offer in US dollars (detailed breakdown of all estimated costs and clear total cost for the final product).


Prospective Advertising and Production houses should apply and submit the above-mentioned documents to the email address [email protected] no later than April 10, 2023, ensuring the subject line is denoted with the heading: NCLW I ABAAD I Production House


Incomplete submissions will be a ground for disqualification.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 10. أبريل 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1.5 Months