Call for Consultancy - Feasibility Study

Terms of Reference Short-Term Consultancy

ABAAD is seeking to contract a consultant to conduct a feasibility assessment for a proposed project to be implemented in Lebanon financed jointly by terre des hommes Germany and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

The assessment will examine the feasibility of a proposed project framework that will be implemented by ABAAD. In specific, the assessment will review the objectives, programming approach and resources of the proposed project framework in relation to the operational context, needs, technical rigour, cost effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.  


  1. About the project

ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality is a UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region.

While progress has been made in addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the MENA region, challenges persist due to inadequate legal frameworks, inconsistent service provision, and limited gender-transformative approaches. In Lebanon, ABAAD's collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and the National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) has led to two national Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) one for GBV safe shelters and another for GBV case management, marking significant steps in regulating stakeholders and civil society's role in GBV prevention and response. The proposed intervention seeks to build on the momentum built so far in Lebanon and strengthen regional legal frameworks for GBV through regional discussions to draft a model framework adaptable across MENA countries. It also aims to enhance holistic care models by developing a comprehensive learning document that outlines best practices in Multi-Disciplinary Holistic Care to End GBV in Lebanon. This document focuses on the intersections of violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC), emphasizing the prevalence of these forms of violence within the same household environments. VAW and VAC not only share common risk factors, including social norms that condone violent discipline and promote masculinities based on violence and control, but also have harmful long-term and intergenerational effects. Addressing VAW and VAC together, despite the challenges, holds great potential for reducing violence in the family by integrating efforts in programming, research, and advocacy. The initiative aims to document ABAAD's Model Centres' approach, including male engagement and preventive gender transformative and response strategies for integrated approaches to combat family violence across the MENA region. 

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the resilience and safety of women and children in the MENA region against violence through strengthened legal frameworks and integrated holistic care approaches



  1. Objective and Use of the Feasibility Study

The aim of the feasibility study is to provide terre des hommes Germany, the partner organization ABAAD and all stakeholders involved with a sound basis for the elaboration of the full project proposal by clarifying prerequisites, assumptions, opportunities and risks. The study will also be submitted to BMZ for assessment of the overall feasibility of the project.

Further objectives of the feasibility study are:

The feasibility study should support the project proposal development process by providing relevant analysis and recommendations for project design with a focus on the logical framework


  1. Research Questions

I     Context, Partner Organization, Target Group and Stakeholders

a) Context/Situational/Problem Analysis

  • What is the (starting) situation on GBV in Lebanon and on a regional level (Morocco – Jordan, )? What is the socio-economic, political and cultural context?
  • Which problems have been identified? What are the causes of those problems and how do they affect the lives of the targeted population groups?
  • What is the background of the planned intervention (who suggested the project idea and why?)
  • Are there alternatives to the planned project or its subcomponents?


b) Analysis of the Local Partner’s Capacities

  • What is ABAAD’s capacity in institutional, technical, staffing and financial terms to carry out the envisaged project? 
  • What measures are needed to build the local partner's organizational and general capacity, if any? 
  • To what extent do local implementation partner(s) identify with the project (ownership) and are committed to making it a success? 
  • What is the relationship between the local partner and the target group/stakeholders? (Legitimacy) 
  • Is there an overlap or conflict of interests? How can interaction and coordination between the partner and the stakeholders be improved? 



c) Assessment of the Target Group

  • What is the target group for the project? What criteria are used in the selection of the target group? Are there possibly several target groups affected in different ways by the problems? 
  • How homogeneous or heterogeneous is the target group in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, language, capacity, etc., and how will the project need to respond to this? 
  • What are the needs of the target group? How can these needs be addressed? 
  • What is the role of the target group(s) in the broader social context? What conflicts of interest could arise between the target group and other, non-target groups as a result of the support provided through the project? 
  • What is the target group’s potential especially with regard to ownership/initiative, self-help activities and local problem-solving capacity? How can this potential be strengthened? 


d) Stakeholders 

  • Who are the most important governmental and non-governmental stakeholders relevant for the planned project?
  • How does the planned project relate to the government's development strategy?
  • What are the interests of those involved? Are conflicts of interest discernible? What are the reciprocations with other stakeholders' projects? How do they find their way into the project concept?



II Assessment of the Project Proposal regarding the OECD-DAC Criteria Relevance

The extent to which the intervention objectives and design respond to beneficiaries, global, country, and partner/institution needs, policies, and priorities, and continue to do so if circumstances change.

Research questions are:

  • How relevant is the project to the context and the needs of the target groups?
  • What is the potential of the planned regional draft-framework on GBV temporary safe shelters?
  • Are the intervention(s) in line with country development and humanitarian priorities?
  • Does the project support and complement the government’s policies and approach towards service delivery in the field of Gender Based Violence in Lebanon?  
  • To what extent is the project’s results framework/logical framework coherent? How can it be improved?
  • Are the indicators relevant to the measurement of the project’s outputs and outcome? What other indicators are better suited to measure the envisaged outputs and outcomes?



The compatibility of the intervention with other institutions in Lebanon in the field of Gender Based Violence (Violence against Women [VAW] & Violence against Children [VAC]). Consistency of the intervention with other actor’s interventions in the same context (adding value, avoiding duplications)

Research questions are:

  • Is the project in line with national, international policies in the regional and thematic area of intervention? 
  • Is the project’s methodology and activities up to date and in line with local/national/international research findings in the area of GBV (VAW & VAC)? How can this be improved?
  • Which interventions of other actors (both state and non-state) exist in the same locality/area of intervention and is coordination/cooperation/harmonization feasible? 
  • Which opportunities and challenges for coordination and cooperation with other stakeholders can be identified?
  • Are there existing regional alliances working on GBV – response, if yes, can they be included/consulted for standard setting/production.   



The extent to which the intervention is expected to achieve, its objectives and its results, including any differential results across groups.

Research questions:

  • Can the intended outputs and outcomes be met with the proposed activities? Can the proposed indicators effectively measure the planned outputs and outcomes?
  • Are the measures and the chosen methodology suitable for reaching the project objective?
  • Which challenges, risks and opportunities exist regarding the project’s planning and implementation? 
  • Are there alternative pathways/interventions/activities that could enhance the project’s effectivity?
  • What are strengths and weaknesses in the design and planning of the project?
  • Which coordination and cooperation measures with other stakeholders could enhance the project’s effectiveness?
  • What other effects – also negative ones – could the project have?



The extent to which the intervention delivers, or is likely to deliver, results in an economic and timely way.

Research questions:

  • Is the relationship between planned input of resources and results/objectives/impact to be achieved appropriate and realistic? 
  • Are there any alternatives for achieving the same/better results/objectives/impact with alternative feasible inputs/funds/expertise?
  • Is project management, monitoring and evaluation designed in an efficient way regarding funding, staffing and expertise?
  • Which synergies/coordination and cooperation measures with other stakeholders/other projects can be identified that may increase the project’s efficiency?
  • Is the overall project duration and the timeline adequate/realistic to implement all project measures and achieve the envisaged outputs/outcome/impact?



The extent to which the intervention is expected to generate significant positive or negative, intended or unintended, higher-level effects. 

Research questions are:

  • To what extent will the project have a structural impact, to what extent can it serve as a model, and to what extent will it have a broad-based impact? 
  • What might be the potential impact of the planned Regional GBV safe shelters Model framework and what are the steps that need to be taken throughout the project period to maximise that impact?
  • What higher-level change regarding social norms, people’s well-being, people’s (human) rights, gender equality will the project have?
  • What would happen if the project would not take place?
  • To what extent have aspects relating to gender sensitivity, inclusion of persons with disabilities, cultural sensitivity, conflict sensitivity and human rights been incorporated in the project's objectives? 



The extent to which the net benefits of the intervention continue or are likely to continue.

Research questions are:

  • Will the positive effects (without further external funding) persist after the project has been completed? 
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of governmental and/or civil society institutions? To what extent will the project be able to build on local potential, institutions and procedures? What measures and instruments are best suited to harness and strengthen local ownership and initiative, participation, and capacity? 
  • What negative consequences and impacts might result from project implementation? To what extent will it be possible to consider and address these risks in the project/project concept (e.g., Do No Harm approach, conflict-sensitive impact monitoring, etc.)?  
  • What risks are involved in project implementation (personal risk for those implementing the project, institutional and reputational risk, contextual risk)? How can they be minimized? 


  1. Methodology Methodology
    • combination of desk study and online or in person interviews/sessions that consists of consultations and discussions with experts, key stakeholders, target group  


Suggested Methods  

    • Desk study (mandatory) – analysis of project’s background documents (proposal, proposal and evaluation of previous projects etc.)
    • Key informant interviews (e.g. staff of implementing NGO, experts from universities/research facilities, staff of other NGOs, key persons in the local or national government administration, key persons from the local communities)
    • Focus groups discussions with relevant stakeholders (children, youths, women, men etc.) 


  1. Key deliverables of the assignment

The services to be carried out as part of the outlined project consist of the following assignments: a) Desk study

      • To familiarize with reports and literature relevant to the assignment
      • Preparatory meeting with ABAAD 
      • Inception Report
    • Fieldwork (interviews, discussion with stakeholders etc.)
      • 12 days of fieldwork  
    • Draft report
      • To be discussed by ABAAD & TDH Germany
    • Final Report of the Feasibility Study in English (of no more than 15 pages) 
      • Executive summary of no more than 2 pages in English
      • Project description 
      • Methodology 
      • Analysis of Context and Local Project Partner
      • Analysis of Target Group and Stakeholders
      • Assessment of Project Proposal Regarding OECD-DAC Criteria 
      • Conclusion
      • Recommendations 
      • Annexes (list of people interviewed, key documents consulted, data collection instruments, transcripts of interviews, raw data of questionnaires, signed data protection agreements of all participants)



  1. Time frame

All services have to be carried out between 01.10.2024 and 30.11.2024. 

Timeline: to be determined  



  • Finalize methodology and identify key documents and personnel for the assignment. 
  • Desk Review 
  • Exchange with key staff / stakeholders
  • Analysis
  • Validation with ABAAD & TDH
  • Draft report, Review and feedback.
  • Final report 


  1. Specification of inputs/ tasks Phase 1 (up to 5 days)
    • Preparation (identify key documents and personnel for the assignment) 
    • Desk review
    • Final elaboration of evaluation questions and methodology


Phase 2 (up to 15 days)

  • Exchange with key staff / stakeholders
  • Analysis


Phase 3 (up to 5 days)

  • Draft report, review and feedback  
  • Finalize report 


  1. Requirements for consultants 

The consultant should meet the following conditions, qualifications and experience: 


    • Previous experience conducting research and feasibility assessments for internationally funded projects (humanitarian assistance and/or development cooperation; previous experience with BMZ-funded projects is a plus)  
    • Familiarity with the Lebanese and MENA contexts and previous working experience within GBV  
    • Knowledge of political and legal processes in the region o Familiarity with GBV in the region - including 
    •  Excellent interpersonal skills
    • Fluency in English is required 


Disclaimer on copy right, data protection: 

All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant(s) formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of Tdh. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by Tdh and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to Tdh upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of Tdh. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of Tdh.


How to apply

Applicants are invited to submit their offers to [email protected] reference "Consultancy: Feasibility Study " by the 30 September 2024. Your submission should contain:

    • Detailed technical proposal 
    • Detailed Financial proposal 


    The technical proposal should include:

  • Company name, address, registration, registration and financial number/tax ID.
  • For individual consultants, MoF registration
  • A cover letter (maximum one page).
  • A technical proposal that clearly outlines:
    • Understanding of the Assignment: Briefly describe your understanding of what the consultancy entails.
    • Proposed Methodology: Detailed methodology for conducting the feasibility study, including tools, frameworks. 
    • Analytical Framework: How you plan to analyse the data collected, including any theoretical models or frameworks that will guide the analysis.
    • Data Collection and Analysis Methods: Specify the tools and techniques for both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of gender issues.
  • Names of the key consultants involved in each phase of the consultancy (if applicable) 
  •  A tentative timeline required to complete the assignment, including key milestones.
  • A Minimum of two references of humanitarian I/NGO clients for whom similar assignments have been undertaken along with contact person and budget.
  • Portfolio/ Proven track record in rendering similar services/previous experience.
  • CV/profiles of key involved consultants, demonstrating previous experience in the same requested field.

        Selection and Evaluation Process:            

Bids determined to be substantially responsive to the abovementioned requirements will be considered for the evaluation process with the below scoring criteria. 


To be considered eligible for this consultancy tender, bidders must meet essential 'go or no-go' criteria, primarily based on the submission of required legal documentation. This includes, but is not limited to, valid tax registration and appropriate legal papers demonstrating lawful operation. The call is open to a diverse range of bidders, including companies, individual consultants, and non-profit organizations. Compliance with these criteria is mandatory for the acceptance of any bid. Failure to provide complete and accurate documentation will result in the disqualification of the bid.


Upon passing the initial 'go' decision based on eligibility, the evaluation of bids will proceed in two distinct parts: technical and financial. The technical evaluation will assess the relevance and adequacy of the proposed approach and the expertise of the bidder, ensuring alignment with the assignment’s objectives and requirements. The financial evaluation will review the costeffectiveness and overall budget feasibility of the bid. Both sections must be satisfactorily addressed for a bid to be considered for award. Bidders must excel in both technical and financial aspects to advance in the selection process.

  • A- Technical Evaluation: 

Bidders must submit the mandatory requirements. These documents and the information therein will be used to conduct the technical evaluation based on the following considerations:

  • Expertise and experience.
  • Methodological robustness.
  • Relevance of the proposal.
  • Quality and relevance of the previous work.
  • Interview performance.


Evaluation Criteria    -  Score Weight

  • Technical Proposal matching the ToR - 15%
  • Clear and Strong methodology  - 15%
  • Portfolio/ Proven track record in rendering similar services - 10%
  • Qualifications of consultants - 10%
  • Proven experience in Qualitative and Quantitative data collection and analysis - 10%
  • Technical Interview - 10%

Sub-Total            70%



  • To get maximum scores, Bidders are encouraged to submit all documents and / information listed above. 
  • Only suppliers who meet the score threshold of 50% will proceed to the evaluation of the financial proposal. 



  • B- Financial Proposal:

All Bidders should provide/submit the Financial Proposal/ Quote in a separate file while including the following information:

  • Bidders must quote for the Cost of Materials separately/ show a separate line for each category. 
  • Bidders to indicate Lead Times (number of days) needed to deliver to designated focal points full consignment from the date of contract signing.
  • Bidders to clearly state the quote validity period. The prices for the contract are fixed and not subject to revision.
  • To get maximum score bidders are encouraged to ensure all the above information and instructions are clearly stated and included in the financial proposal.
  • The evaluation/ adjudication of financial bids will be done based on the following criteria for the financial proposal:

Evaluation Criteria - Score Weight

  • Offered price within the range - 15%
  • Lead Time - 10%
  • Breakdown of the budget and offer validity - 5%

Sub Total     30%

NOTE: Total Financial and Technical = 100%

Period of Validity of Bids

Bids shall remain valid for 90 working days after the date of bid opening prescribed by the Purchaser, a bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive.

Any questions related to this consultancy should be sent by email to [email protected] with the subject line "Consultancy: Feasibility Study " by maximum 30 September 2024. 



منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 30. سبتمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months