Call for Consultancy - Final Evaluation and Learning Study KVINFO

Final Evaluation and Learning Study



Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Lebanon through services and durable solutions


ABAAD – Resource Center for Gender Equality, is an UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. ABAAD is a women-led and supported organization that works on three pillars: (a) Direct Services, (b) Capacity building and resource development, and (c) Advocacy and policy reform.  ABAAD, since its establishment in 2011, has been identified as a leading actor on gender equality in the region and as a reliable reference and partner by the local, regional and international entities that promote gender equality, peace building and sustainable development.



Women and girl survivors and/or at-risk of gender-based violence (GBV), from host and refugee communities, are better protected against violence and abuse through the provision of direct services.  Via it’s established Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS), 912 women and girls will have access to improved and holistic case management, mental-health and psychosocial support (PSS) services in Lebanon’s North (Qobbeh – Tripoli) and Bekaa (Qab Elias) regions.  Temporary safe sheltering, via ABAAD’s midway houses (MWHs) – also referred to as Dar – will be provided to 70 women and girls.  ABAAD’s intervention will include enhancing refugee and host communities’ social protection, via the implementation of its Lebanon Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) endorsed Basic Lifeskills Program (BLSP); which focuses on strengthening women and girls’ wellbeing and soft-skills.  Awareness and sensitization sessions, centering on core GBV concepts and understanding of gender roles via interactive mobile games will also be implemented. To address the deteriorating socio-economic conditions, upskilling cycles will be facilitated, with the aim of enhancing access to durable solutions.


The proposed 12-month intervention will build on ABAAD’s successes and address continued protection needs of vulnerable women and girl GBV survivors by providing continued direct services.         

. The project’s outcomes, outputs, and activities are as follows:



  • Refugees and vulnerable host communities are better protected against violence and abuse
  • Refugees and vulnerable host communities' social protection is enhanced



  • Output 1.1: Women and girls have access to holistic and quality response services
  • Output 1.2: Emergency safe shelters for GBV survivors and their children

  • Output 2.1: Women and girl SGBV survivors have improved access to quality psychotherapy and psychosocial support services.

  • Output 2.2: Refugees and vulnerable host community have access to durable solutions.







  • Holistic case management provided by trained SGBV caseworkers at the WGSS in Qobbeh and Qab Elias targeting 120 survivors. 
  • Individualized mental health (MH) services provided to 80 survivors at ABAAD's 2 WGSS (Qobbeh and Qab Elias).
  • Emergency safe sheltering at 2 of ABAAD’s midway house (MWH) to 70 GBV survivors.
  • Implementation of Basic Life Skills Program (BLSP) Psychosocial Support activities (PSS) to 100 women and girl at ABAAD’s 2 WGSS.
  • Implementation of awareness and sensitization sessions for 500 women and girls, focusing on SGBV core concepts, referral information, protection laws, and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
  • Piloting of online mobile game for 100 young girls and boys aiming to increase understanding of gender roles and SGBV. 
  • Implementation of upskilling cycles and training support to 96 women and girls at the 2WGSS. 




The purpose of this consultancy is to provide End-Year learning and evaluation study of the above mentioned project. The evaluation will assess the impact of the entire intervention and report on the achievement of the results as stated in the narrative and logframe. Based on the results of this evaluation ABAAD and KVINFO will decide whether an additional funding cycle would be pursued. This evaluation exercise is expected to generate important gender specific learnings in the humanitarian context.



The consultant is expected to propose specific methodologies they will use in the reports to be submitted to ABAAD Lebanon for approval. These should demonstrate the use of mixed methods approach in arriving at findings and ensure data quality. In addition, the report should elaborate on data collection methods, tools and timetables for the studies. The consultant must ensure compliance with the Programme’s Core Principles below throughout the development of the development of the baseline study:  

  • A Gender-responsive approach (GRA)
  • Inclusiveness
  • Do no harm
  • Accountability


The selected consultant is expected conduct 8-10 KII with key project staff and stakeholders, and 8-10 FGD with beneficiaries  




The end-year study is expected to be completed by January 15, 2022



  • The main reports expected to be delivered include:
    • An inception report detailing the main evaluation matrix and objectives.
    • End Year Report that reflects a review on the activities done and determines the impact of the project.
    • Results and Learning at the individual beneficiary level.

Specifically the consultant will complete the below action points:

  • The consultant should provide practical actionable recommendations on the scalability of the project and amplification of its learnings.
  • The consultant should assess the benefit of the partnership between KVINFO and ABAAD.  
  • The consultant should assess why was the online game was not relevant to the beneficiaries? How could it be improved and/or adapted for a better experience?
  • Also the consultant should provide a detailed description of ABAAD role's in contextualizing the game to the community, what is the training that was conducted, (iii) how appropriate was the game to the target group (Not only from the content perspective but also from the activity perspective).
  • The report should include detailed description of methodology including data collection tools and strategies, and approach to include core principles as described in the ToR.
  • The report and data collection tools should be submitted to ABAAD for approval.
  • The consultant shall hold validation workshops with ABAAD throughout the consultancy period.
  • A presentation shall be provided upon the completed of the draft and final report, separately.
  • All raw data collected, interview transcripts, and summaries shall be provided to ABAAD.




With support from ABAAD the bidder will lead the process of:

  • Methodology, planning and quality control procedures; 
  • Reviewing existing information, preparing outlines, including study objectives, research questions, and development of sampling methodologies; 
  • Finalizing: (1) work plan and checklists (2) questionnaire(s), (3) guidelines;
  • The consultant will finalize the topics for assessment in consultation with ABAAD and KVINFO (the extent and rigor of this assessment will depend on the study objectives and the result framework outputs);
  • The consultant will guide and provide required technical support to the field teams for carrying out interviews and gathering information from different stakeholders; and
  • The consultant will remain responsible for the entire study maintaining the highest level standards and quality and for producing the final survey reports.





  • In depth knowledge and experience on research methods;
  • Experience working within the local Lebanese context;
  • Experience working on evaluation and learning studies; and  
  • Previous evaluations relating to GBV, youth and gender studies is advantageous 


General competencies

  • Fluent in both oral and written English and Arabic
  • Strong interpersonal and oral communication skills;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • High level planning, organizational and time management skills;
  • Ability to quickly adapt to change, and to remain calm under pressure; and
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.



Post graduate degree/s in fields such as Development studies, Social Sciences, gender related studies.


How to apply

Applicants are requested to submit their detailed application by email to [email protected] with the subject line “ABAAD/KVI – Final Evaluation and Learning study” by November 3, 2022. The application must include the following:

  • A technical proposal, including the outline of methodological approach and activities proposed to achieve the objectives, and a tentative timeline with key milestones.
  • A financial proposal.
  • CV/profiles of all involved consultants.
  • References of previous similar work implemented.
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 03. نوفمبر 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months