Edokio micro-learning platform - call for collaboration to scale the learning impact

At the forefront of innovative learning and training, Edokio online platform is initiated by the Lebanese Center for Civic Education to provide engaging micro-learning experiences for youth and women and build personal and professional development.

Why it started?

In the era of continuous innovations in the information and communication technologies field, we believe at the Lebanese Center for Civic Education that the traditional learning methods are no longer sufficient, and that capacity building should be transformed into in an engaging and modern learning experience. Edokio was launched in 2019 in order to contribute in transforming the training pathway for LCCE programs beneficiaries as complementary approach to onsite training.

Call for collaboration to scale the learning impact

However, since its success in providing engaging experiences and very positive feedbacks from thousands of beneficiaries who used the application, LCCE decided to launch open collaboration with NGOs or  organizations wishing to transform their capacity building programs into a successful learning experience and to increase the engagement of their communities of learners and beneficiaries.

Especially that Edokio is tailored to be used by literate and low literate learners, it is very user friendly; and is 100% in arabic language; and it allows to track beneficiaries progress through dedicated dashboards.

How to collaborate?

Organizations such as NGOs, social enterprises and other institutions with social missions who are interested in Edokio's services can request access to use the mobile application to enroll their beneficiaries to get access to on-demand micro-learning pathway.

Each organisation can request free access to:

- create one training module and upload training content materials (videos; inforgraphics; files; quizzes)

- subscribe up to 20 users 

- get access to a progress dashboards 

For more info about collaboration, kindly contact us via: info@edokio.com or by phone : 76 042 525


الأهداف العامة: 
Edokio online micro-learning platform was launched in 2019 by LCCE in order to contribute in transforming the training pathway for literate to low literate beneficiaries as complementary approach to onsite training. LCCE launches a call for collaboration to use Edokio and scale the learning impact.
- More than 1000 learners benefited from Edokio learning modules since 2019 - At least 90% found the application user friendly and effective in increasing vocational knowledge
تاريخ البداية
ثلاثاء, 25/10/2022 - 8:30pm
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
مكان المشروع:
Azure Center 5th floor Bloc B New-Jdeideh , Mount Lebanon
الهاتف: 76 042 525
Mount Lebanon LB
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