Terms of Reference


Advocacy/Communication Consultancy





Advocacy/Communication consultant

Reports to

Gender Project Coordinator – She Leads project



Effective Date

August 2022



About Plan International

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child, but know this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion, and discrimination. Working together with children, young people, supporters, and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We place a specific focus on girls and young women, who are most often left behind. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

Since 2017, Plan International has been working in partnership with local, national, and international organizations to strengthen capacities and address the needs of Lebanese and refugee children in Lebanon. With a focus on adolescent girls and young women, Plan International Lebanon implements projects in the sectors of Child Protection, Gender-Based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Education, Youth Economic Empowerment, and Participation. The organization also promotes gender equality by addressing the root causes of discrimination against girls and young women. Since its establishment in Lebanon, Plan International has been using a partnership model that allows for capacity building of local actors and civil society strengthening in various areas including Tripoli, Akkar, Bekaa, South and Beirut & Mount-Lebanon.




Plan International Lebanon – PIL is implementing a project called She Leads, with an aim to increase sustained influence of GYW on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions. This will be done through three main levels: grass root level, community/civil society level, and policy changing level. The project is being implemented on a national level, regional level, and global level.

This consultancy is part of the regional component of She Leads covering the Middle East Region. The regional component is directly implemented in Lebanon and Jordan, and covers other Arab states countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, etc. The regional component focuses on advocacy work and mobilization. Part of the regional component is to form GYW regional group and closely support GYW by building their capacities so they can design a regional campaign on a cause they choose. Thus, the consultant is asked to provide part of the training in Egypt and coaching sessions for GYW groups remotely to ensure proper design and implementation of the regional advocacy campaign.  



Consultancy Purpose

PIL is looking for an Advocacy/communications Consultant to co-facilitate a training on Gender and advocacy and media for social change and conduct coaching sessions for the group of GYW. The consultant will support in the preparation of the material for the regional workshop, attend the regional workshop and provide specific sessions on media for social change and then prepare the material needed and provide training and coaching sessions for the girls. The 5 trainings and 10 coaching sessions that will take place between October and February 2023 are to take place virtually (online). The training/coaching sessions enables GYW from different countries to design together, develop and produce positive and powerful messages that aim at challenging social norms and protection mechanisms. The final outcome of the sessions is to have a clear detailed plan of an advocacy campaign led by GYW regionally.



Important Guide to the Consultant - The training is expected to be guided by the following key considerations in the development of the training content, agenda and guide, and its delivery:

  • The role of media in creating social cohesion especially when tackling topics related to reintegration and protection, human rights, gender equality, extremism, diversity and inclusion, VAWG, men engagement and masculinities;
  • The media strategies for awareness raising and advocacy purposes at different levels - how to tailor awareness raising and advocacy messages to fit into different media platforms and adhere to different communities;
  • How to assure the resonance, responsiveness and relevance of the final media product(s) to the needs of the communities and the project’s objectives;
  • Social media listening and response strategy (what to expect and how to reflect);
  • Best practices to deliver socially and communally sensitive messages in a strategic manner for maximum effect;
  • New multimedia tactics and techniques, and how to use them effectively in the new media to highlight their work on awareness raising & advocacy campaigns;
  • The consultant will guide the trainees in the development of their advocacy plan for the campaign through the use of the tools provided by the trainer.



In coordination with PIL, the consultant will be responsible for:

  • Attending an induction meeting with PIL
  • Submitting a clear and detailed methodology for the training and coaching phase including coaching materials, tools and an agenda to be validated by PIL;
  • Developing and submitting pre and post tests and an evaluation form in Arabic (and/or any other relevant MEAL tool) to be validated by PIL and to be used at the start and end of the training to determine the knowledge increase of each participant;
  • Attending a 5 days training workshop in Egypt, and providing a day training during that workshop;
  • Delivering 5 training days (7 hours/day) and 10 coaching days (4 hours/day) for the group of participants online;
  • Creating a plan for coaching sessions to address the specific needs of the participants, which needs to be validated by PIL;
  • Reviewing the campaign concept/materials; and
  • Submitting a coaching report upon finalization of implementation of the coaching sessions, in English.


Technical expertise, skills, and knowledge


The consultant applying for the opportunity should have a University degree in media and/or communications with focus on training and advocacy or on any other related field; and the following requirements:

  • Excellent knowledge on protection concepts;
  • Proven familiarity with MENA context with a good understanding of Gender, GBV, and SRHR; including laws and social practices in the above countries.
  • A minimum of five (5) years of progressively advanced professional experience in delivering trainings and working in the mentioned field (advocacy, social campaigning, strategic management, etc.) using participatory approaches;
  • Sensitivity to cross-cultural dynamics and experience working with NGOs;
  • Strong analytical and conceptual thinking skills; able to understand highly complex issues and translate them into simple, workable actions and plans;
  • Experience in creating, designing, developing and monitoring advocacy campaigns online and offline related to reintegration and protection, extremism, human rights, gender equality, diversity and inclusion, women’s issues, men engagement and masculinities is a plus
  • Excellent communication skills and high flexibility;
  • Fluency in Arabic and English is a must.


Consultancy Timeline

The consultancy will take place From Mid August 2022 – end of February 2023


Key relationships


The Advocacy/Communication Consultant will work in coordination with the Gender Project Coordinator, under the She leads project, the GBV & SRHR programme Manager and the Advocacy, Influencing and Communication Manager

How to apply

Application Process

Responses should be sent to [email protected] by August 17, 2022, and will include:

    • A letter of interest, highlighting the relevant knowledge, skills and experience of the applicant.
    • An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.
    • A brief description of proposed methodology, description of deliverables, and a timeline.
    • A budget with clear description of daily rate (in USD), and including all the material needed for the implementation of the proposed activities, in addition to the amount needed for booking your own ticket, visa to Egypt, and accommodation while attending the 6 to 5 days training workshop taking place in September in Cairo, etc.


NB: consultant should take care of all the logistics requirements for Egypt training ( Visa, Accommodation, Ticket, Transportation, and others.. )

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 17. أغسطس 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, الأطفال والشباب, الاتصالات والإعلام, قضايا النوع الاجتماعي, حقوق الإنسان والحماية
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
From Mid August 2022 – end of February 2023