RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works
Building Recycling Facility
To: Bidder
From: ARK Group DMCC (ARK) on behalf of Ahlam Lajea Association
RFP Reference: RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232 – Recycling Facility Construction Works
RFP Issue Date: 10 January 2022
RFP Closing Date: 31 January 2022
RFP Closing Time: 17:00 Beirut time
- Purpose
ARK Group DMCC, on behalf its partner Ahlam Lajea Association (ALA), is seeking to build a recycling facility to be used for solid waste management project at an industrial level in Saida (Eastern Boulevard), Lebanon. The facility will be a steel construction hangar design.
- Description of Entity
ARK is a research, conflict transformation and stabilisation consultancy providing programme assessment, design and implementation services. ALA is a Lebanese NGO working on development projects aiming to improve the quality of life for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. ARK and ALA are funding a project for sorting solid waste originating from Ayn al Hilweh Palestinian camp and Saida neighbourhoods.
- Instructions for Submitting Proposals
- This RFP consists of the following documents:
- This RFP document with submission instructions and evaluation criteria
- Annex 1: Bill of Quantities
- Annex 2: Site Drawing
- Annex 3: Hangar Drawing
- Annex 4: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submission Form
- Annex 5: Bidder’s Price Proposal Submission Form
- Proposals can be submitted via email or by hand adhering to the following instructions:
- Email
- Proposals should be sent to [email protected].
- Technical and price proposals must be submitted in two separate emails.
- The first email should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Technical Proposal". It should include the Technical Proposal, and all non-financial annexes, a copy of the company registration certificate or license and any other optional annexes related to the technical proposal. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point.
- The second email should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232-Recycling Facility Construction Works - Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only.
- By hand
- Proposals should be delivered to the following address in Beirut, Lebanon:
- Email
2nd floor, Al Mada Building, Mashnouk Road, Verdun, Beirut.
- Contact phone number for deliveries: +961 3768542.
- Technical and Price proposals should be submitted in an envelope, containing two (2) separate sealed envelopes.
- The first envelope should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Technical Proposal". It should include the Technical Proposal, and all non-financial annexes, a copy of the company registration certificate or license and any other optional annexes related to the technical proposal. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point.
- The second envelope should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only.
- Proposals should be submitted in English.
- Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 31 January 2022, 17:00 Beirut time. Any proposal received after this date will be disqualified. ARK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline, by notifying all prospective bidders in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the bid documents prepared by ARK at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder.
- Requests for clarification should be sent via email to [email protected]. Clarification questions may be sent until 19 January 2022, 17:00 Beirut time. The RFP number should be quoted in all correspondence.
- Discussions may be held to clarify proposals. If such discussions are held, bidders will be notified that a best and final offer may be submitted by a revised deadline. The best and final offer provides the opportunity for bidders to revise their proposals based on additional information gathered during those discussions. If a best and final offer is not submitted, the previous offer will be considered as the best and final offer.
- ARK is not committed to select any of the suppliers submitting proposals and has the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. This RFP is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract.
- Technical Proposal Format
A ‘Technical Proposal Submission Form’ has been provided with this RFP as Annex 4. Bidders may use this template, or complete the corresponding information on company letterhead, provided all requested information is included. Word copies of the forms may be requested from ALA via email: [email protected] with cc to [email protected], or by phone +961 3768542.
The Technical Proposal Submission Form consists of the following information:
- Bidder Information
- Bidder Contact Details
- Bidder Profile
- Past Performance
- Technical Specifications and Material Submittal
- Workplan and Timeline
- Bidder Declaration
- Price Proposal Format
- The price proposal should be submitted using the ‘Price Proposal Submission Form’ provided as Annex 5 and contain the unit price, sub-total and grand total for each item listed in the technical proposal. The price should be all-inclusive of all costs related to the works.
- Prices should be submitted in USD.
- Partial offers will not be accepted. The quote should cover the works in full listed in Annex 1 – Bill of Quantities. The works will be awarded to one company only.
- Evaluation of Proposals
- The proposals will be evaluated in two stages. The technical evaluation will be completed prior to opening price proposals. The maximum score for the Technical Proposal is 60 points and 40 points for Price Proposal.
- The final score for the bidders will be the sum of the technical and price proposals. The maximum total score is therefore 100 points.
- Technical Scores (Total 60 points):
- Bidder Profile (10 points).
- Past Performance (15 points)
- Technical specifications and Material Submittal (25 points)
- Workplan and Timeline (10 points)
- Price Scores (Total 40 points):
- Only bidders meeting the mandatory criteria of 30 points over 60 in the technical evaluation will be taken forward to the price evaluation.
- The maximum score of 40 points will be assigned to the bidder offering the lowest price and proportional scores will be assigned to the other proposals.
- Mandatory Criteria
All Bidders should be properly licensed to carry out works outlined in the Bill of Quantity and have all applicable insurance policies in place associated with the works. The successful Bidder should also obtain a bank guarantee for the works as outlined in the technical specifications (Annex 1). Proposals failing to meet the mandatory requirements will be disqualified from the evaluation process.
- Award of Contract
The successful bidder will be issued a Services Provision Agreement (SPA). Payment will be made in arrears against set milestones verified by engineer site checks. The final payment plan will be negotiated with the successful Bidder. Payments will be made as bank transfers in USD (fresh money).
We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Yours faithfully,
ARK Group and Ahlam Lajea Organisation
How to apply
- Instructions for Submitting Proposals
- This RFP consists of the following documents:
- This RFP document with submission instructions and evaluation criteria
- Annex 1: Bill of Quantities
- Annex 2: Site Drawing
- Annex 3: Hangar Drawing
- Annex 4: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submission Form
- Annex 5: Bidder’s Price Proposal Submission Form
- Proposals can be submitted via email or by hand adhering to the following instructions:
- Email
- Proposals should be sent to [email protected].
- Technical and price proposals must be submitted in two separate emails.
- The first email should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Technical Proposal". It should include the Technical Proposal, and all non-financial annexes, a copy of the company registration certificate or license and any other optional annexes related to the technical proposal. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point.
- The second email should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232-Recycling Facility Construction Works - Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only.
- By hand
- Proposals should be delivered to the following address in Beirut, Lebanon:
- Email
2nd floor, Al Mada Building, Mashnouk Road, Verdun, Beirut.
- Contact phone number for deliveries: +961 3768542.
- Technical and Price proposals should be submitted in an envelope, containing two (2) separate sealed envelopes.
- The first envelope should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Technical Proposal". It should include the Technical Proposal, and all non-financial annexes, a copy of the company registration certificate or license and any other optional annexes related to the technical proposal. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point.
- The second envelope should be marked "[Bidder’s Name] - RFP-ALA-PCRB-22-232- Recycling Facility Construction Works - Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only.
- Proposals should be submitted in English.
- Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 31 January 2022, 17:00 Beirut time. Any proposal received after this date will be disqualified. ARK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline, by notifying all prospective bidders in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the bid documents prepared by ARK at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder.
- Requests for clarification should be sent via email to [email protected]. Clarification questions may be sent until 19 January 2022, 17:00 Beirut time. The RFP number should be quoted in all correspondence.
- Discussions may be held to clarify proposals. If such discussions are held, bidders will be notified that a best and final offer may be submitted by a revised deadline. The best and final offer provides the opportunity for bidders to revise their proposals based on additional information gathered during those discussions. If a best and final offer is not submitted, the previous offer will be considered as the best and final offer.
- ARK is not committed to select any of the suppliers submitting proposals and has the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. This RFP is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract.
- Technical Proposal Format
A ‘Technical Proposal Submission Form’ has been provided with this RFP as Annex 4. Bidders may use this template, or complete the corresponding information on company letterhead, provided all requested information is included. Word copies of the forms may be requested from ALA via email: [email protected] with cc to [email protected], or by phone +961 3768542.
The Technical Proposal Submission Form consists of the following information:
- Bidder Information
- Bidder Contact Details
- Bidder Profile
- Past Performance
- Technical Specifications and Material Submittal
- Workplan and Timeline
- Bidder Declaration
- Price Proposal Format
- The price proposal should be submitted using the ‘Price Proposal Submission Form’ provided as Annex 5 and contain the unit price, sub-total and grand total for each item listed in the technical proposal. The price should be all-inclusive of all costs related to the works.
- Prices should be submitted in USD.
- Partial offers will not be accepted. The quote should cover the works in full listed in Annex 1 – Bill of Quantities. The works will be awarded to one company only.