Request for Proposal (RFP-24-ARKLB1116) Project Financial Audit Services

ARK is a stabilisation and development company committed to empowering local communities and beneficiaries in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile areas through the provision of evidence-based programmatic interventions, policy recommendations, research and capacity-building. ARK is registered in the United Arab Emirates DMCC freezone as a commercial entity. The services under this RFP are required for the Beirut branch office.

How to apply

Procedures for Submitting Proposals 
a. This RFP consists of the following documents:

  • This RFP with submission instructions and evaluation criteria
  • Annex 1: Statement of Work
  • Annex 2: Proposal Declaration Form

b. Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] adhering to the following instructions:

  • The email shall be marked “[Your Company Name] – RFP-24-ARKLB1116 Proposal".
  • Your proposal must be in English.

Your proposal should include the following documents:

  • Proposal Declaration Form
  • A copy of your company registration documents
  • Technical Proposal
  • Price Proposal

c. Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 29 February 2024 23:00 (Beirut, Lebanon). Any proposal received after this date and time will be rejected. ARK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline, by notifying all potential proposers in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification to the original documents prepared by ARK at its own initiative or in response to a clarification request.

d. Requests for clarification should be sent via email to [email protected]. Clarification questions may be sent until 21 February 2024. The RFP number should be quoted in all correspondence. Any written reply to a particular question may be shared with other firms who have expressed an interest. If you wish to receive answers to clarification questions sent by other firms, please send an expression of interest to [email protected]. An expression of interest is encouraged but is not a requirement to participate in the RFP.

e. Failure to comply with the above may result in the proposer being rejected. ARK reserves the right to reject any number of received proposals and to request additional information if required.

f.ARK is not committed to select any of the companies’ submitting proposals and this RFP is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract.

Please refer to the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) document for complete details. 

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 29. فبراير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, الاتصالات والإعلام, حل النزاعات, تنمية, تمويل إنساني وتنموي, إعادة تأهيل, بحوث ودراسات