Consultant for Localisation assessment


HelpAge International - HelpAge International (HAI) is a global network of organizations working towards a fairer world for older people so they can live safe, healthy and dignified lives. In addition to working with more than 150 network members in 56 countries, HelpAge operates country program offices in 13 countries across Asia, Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. In line with HelpAge International Global Strategy 20301 , our commitment to partner-led programming and the Charter for Change2, a key step is to transition our country programmes to be locally led. 


Localisation - HelpAge is strongly committed to the localisation of aid, as a path towards Locally led development. HelpAge’s vision for Locally led development is “Humanitarian and development initiatives designed, led and delivered by national or local actors and older people within countries. This definition will evolve as HelpAge progresses in its Localisation journey.

As set out in the 2030 Strategy, working with others is central to HelpAge International strategy over the next decade. Through the core functions of Supporter, Convener and Thought leader, HelpAge will support local ‘agents for change’ – network members or other partners – in achieving their missions. Localisation for HelpAge will require a significant transformation of the organization, but the most visible shift will be in the transformation of HelpAge programming model at country level. This consultancy will ensure that the direction of travel and transition plans are built on robust evidence and analysis with the participation of stakeholders in country and with a view to achieving sustainable impact for older people in Lebanon.


Country Programme – HelpAge International is working with older women and men for better services and policies, and for changes in the behaviors and attitudes of individuals and societies towards old age. HelpAge work in Lebanon started in 2013 in response to the Syria Crisis to ensure the inclusion of older people in humanitarian responses. 

HelpAge International (HAI) in Lebanon has been working on health and protection programs focusing on the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and the provision of psychosocial support to older people in collaboration with its implementing partners Makassed Association, Amel Association, and Imam Sadr Foundation in Beirut, Bekaa and South Lebanon. HAI has also responded to COVID-19 pandemic and the Beirut Port explosion through the provision of homebased care medical and mental health services, hygiene and elderly kits, awareness raising, and establishing referral systems to affected populations. 

HAI is currently implementing a two-years regional project funded by GFFO in partnership with IDRAAC in Beirut and Mount Lebanon to provide community-based health and protection services for the most at-risk Syrian refugees and host community members, in particular older people and people with disabilities. In addition to another project in collaboration with the ILO in the framework of the UN joint program on transforming national dialogue for the development of an inclusive national social protection system for Lebanon.  


Purpose, objectives and scope  

The purpose of the consultancy is to work with the Lebanon country team in preparation of a localisation plan which provides a detailed assessment of the Lebanon context, environment, stakeholder views and capacities, legal and institutional frameworks, opportunities and constraints, which will provide rigorous evidence to guide decision making on the goal and model for locally-led development in the country and the plans in place to achieve the goal.  



Undertake a desk review as well as consultations with HelpAge staff, external stakeholders, partners and network members to assess the context, opportunities, challenges, as well as capacities and appetites of local actors for locally led development, inclusion and advancement of the ageing agenda in country. 



  • The consultation will engage HelpAge staff, partners, and potential partners, network members, government agencies, donors and local civil society to explore their views on locally led development, it’s viability and the role of HelpAge in supporting this. 
  • Based on the desk review and the consultation, the consultant will identify potential opportunities and challenges to localisation of HelpAge’s program, and will provide recommendations on the best model, within an already identified range of options, to achieve this goal.
  • The consultant will work with the team and others to identify the best suited model(s) and will provide an analysis of external and internal risks and develop a risk mitigation plan.  


Specific tasks  

  • Work closely with the HelpAge country team and the Localisation Manager to identify a range of information to develop the assessment and plan data collection accordingly. Review relevant HelpAge documents and external documents related to country context, civil society interest and engagement, government strategies etc as they relate to the realisation and promotion of the rights of older people.  
  • Conduct FGDs and/or key informant interviews with internal and external stakeholders selected with the country team and in consultation with the Localisation Manager
  • Draft the assessment report based on information from the country team and additional information collected from external sources and the consultations held
  • Draft recommendations on the best suited model(s) based on findings from the assessment
  • Facilitate a country-level workshop with country team, Localisation manager and Head of Localisation  
  • to review and analyze the assessment findings and identify the best suited model to achieve the localisation goal
  • Feedback session with the Localisation manager, Head of Localisation, Head of Global Impact and the HAI Lebanon SMT.
  • Write summary of recommended model(s) including rationale, risk assessment and mitigation plan.


Methodology and process: to be agreed with the consultant. Participatory consultative process will be used for this consultancy. It will include but not limited to FDGs and key informant interviews with external stakeholders and HelpAge selected staff including members of the Global team, and desk review.

The consultancy is expected to take about 10-15 working days inclusive of all activities.



  • The assessment report including main findings of the process:

1. Assessment report, including methodology, inputs from the country team and main findings of the consultation by stakeholder  

  1. Key informant interview list 
  1. Documents reviewed list 
  • Facilitated team analysis of the key findings (country level workshop with list of participants/ dates) 
  • Written summary of recommended localisation model(s), including rationale and justification
  •  Risk assessment and mitigation plan
  • Country workshop report (discussions, list of participants and conclusion)
  • Feedback meeting with relevant Localisation team, Head of Global Impact and the Country SMT 
  • Hard and soft copy of all documents 


Timing and deadlines 

The consultancy is expected to be completed by the 15th of January, 2022.




  • Desk Review (2 estimated days)
  • Work closely with the HelpAge country team and the Localisation Manager to identify information gaps in the assessment and plan data collection accordingly (1 estimated day)
  • Conduct FGDs and/or key informant interviews with internal and external stakeholders (4 estimated days)
  • Draft the assessment report and recommendations on best-suited localisation model/s based on information from the country team and additional information collected from external sources and the consultations held (2 estimated days)
  • Facilitate a country-level workshop with country team, Localisation manager and Head of Localisation  to review and analyze the assessment findings and identify the best-suited model (1 estimated day)
  • Feedback session with the Localisation Manager, Head of Localisation, Head of Global Impact, and the HAI Lebanon SMT (1 estimated day) 
  • Finalize assessment report and write a summary of the recommended model(s) including rationale and risk assessment (2 estimated days)

Reporting to: Localisation Manager


Qualifications/requirements of consultant

HelpAge anticipates hiring a national consultant:

  • B.A. or above in a field highly relevant to the nature of the study
  • Extensive experience working with the NGO sector and working/collaborating with the government
  • Experience in doing assessment using a range of methods and tools
  • Understanding of issues relating to ageing especially on older people in both humanitarian and development context.
  • Excellent facilitation skills and capacity to adapt tools and methodologies to the audience and the purpose of the exercise
  • strong communications and interpersonal skills, proficient in working across all levels of institutions with experience of conducting interviews sensitively in a range of contexts.
  • excellent report writing skills in English.
  • impartiality towards HelpAge and its partners in Lebanon.


Please review the TOR attached.

How to apply

Cover letters, CVs, and applicant portfolio (if available) to be sent to Mohammad Awad ([email protected]).

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 28. نوفمبر 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
بحوث ودراسات