Expertise France (EF) is the French public agency for international technical assistance. The agency provides partner countries with knowledge, skills and management expertise in:


  • Democratic, economic, and financial governance,
  • Stability, international security and peace,
  • Sustainable development, climate and agriculture,
  • Health and human development.

Expertise France designs and implements cooperation projects addressing skills transfers between professionals. The agency also develops integrated offers, assembling public and private expertise in order to respond to the partner countries' needs.


With a business volume of 192 million Euros, a portfolio of over 500 projects in 100 countries, and 63,000 days of expert missions every year, Expertise France promotes French and European development policy goals.


Stabilization and resilience background


The “Stabilization and Resilience” unit runs 2 projects in Lebanon: QUDRA and SHABAKE.


  1. QUDRA


’Qudra – Resilience for Syrian refugees, IDPs and host communities in response to the Syrian and Iraqi crises’ is a regional action financed by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the Madad Fund and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), seeking to strengthen the resilience of Syrian refugees, IDPs and host communities in response to the Syrian and Iraqi crises.  The Programme launched in June 2016, has been jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Expertise France (EF) and Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID) in Programme partner countries of Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and North Iraq.

In Lebanon, Expertise France has been implementing QUDRA between 2016 and 2019. Now EF is going to implement QUDRA2, another 3-year program, with a continuation of activities, starting in September 2019. The project seeks to participate in the reinforcement of the protection system of the country by supporting MoSA, and improving the level of protection of refugees and host communities with the major components:

(i) local and national protection systems and service delivery capacities are strengthened, (ii) Protection measures for the self-development and wellbeing of marginalised children and adults are promoted.

Expertise France works within the framework of the LCRP and MoSA National Plan for Safeguarding women and children in close partnership with Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA). The programme will be implemented in at least 12 SDCs of the MoSA. Expertise France will select in total 16 local NGOs as implementing partners, over 3 years, following a precise programme drafted by EF with MoSa.





The SHABAKE project aims to strengthen the capacities of local NGO’s on the long run, to enable them to become key and resilient stakeholders of the Lebanese civil society. The project is funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the Denmark’s development cooperation (Danida), and is implemented by Expertise France.


The global objective of SHABAKE is to help local NGOs become lasting, key players in mitigating the effects of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon by a strong capacity building and a direct link with international donors.


Shabake has a 3 years long approach, and will be implement through three main component parts:


  1. Strengthening assets, capacities, and skills of the local Lebanese NGOs selected for a grant award.
  2. Implementation by each NGO of a crisis-response project to reduce vulnerabilities.
  3. Improving the participation of NGO partners in the development-aid ecosystem.
  4. Implementing recovery and livelihood projects through local NGO partners targeting the most vulnerable post the Beirut Port Explosions.


* The Expertise France office in Lebanon currently implements 3 other projects, outside the scope of this position.


  1. Assignment:


Expertise France is looking to hire a temporary M&E Assistant under a consultancy contract to support in the monitoring tasks of the Qudra II and Shabake projects.  


A short time consultancy contract for the period of 3 months possibly extendable.


The consultant will be responsible for delivering the tasks within the below defined scope of work in close collaboration with the M&E Officer. The M&E Assistant consultant will work to support the Monitoring & Evaluation Officer in specific monitoring, follow-up, and data collection tasks.


This role is based in Beirut, within Expertise France premises.





How to apply

Please send your CV and cover letter to:  [email protected]

Daily rate in USD should be indicated in the application email

A copy of the MOF number certificate

A signed copy of Annex I – Financial identification form along with the bank letter confirming the bank details

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 31. مايو 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية, التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 month