Request for Proposal for Audit Services - Lebanon Programs

The Norwegian red cross wishes to engage the services of an audit firm for the purpose of auditing financial statements for its projects in Lebanon for a period of 3 years.

Note: All files to be audited, are in Lebanese Red Cross, Hamra, Spears, where the audit will be conducted


A sample of the Terms of Reference is provided which outlines the background, scope, objectives, and deliverables.


The final Draft of the Terms of Reference will be shared upon signing the contract with the rewarded service provider.


Final audit reports to be submitted for all Reporting Codes as one final report


The tender will be awarded to “one” service provider.


Kindly follow the instructions and guidelines provided in the Request for proposal.

How to apply

The following instructions are important and must be adhered to carefully. Failure to follow the instructions may lead to disqualification.

    1. The “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” Shall be submitted in separate emails.
    2. The email containing the “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” shall have the subject below:


The proposal shall be submitted with the following attachments:

      • Annex 1 General Terms & Conditions for Services – accepted.
      • Annex 2 Requirements/ Terms of reference - acknowledged.
      • Annex 3 Supplier Registration Form – filled and signed + audited financial statements.
    1. The email containing the “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” Shall have the subject below:



The proposal shall be submitted with the following attachments:

      • Annex 6 Pricing Template – Filled/ signed / stamped.
    1. The financial proposal must be Filled, signed and stamped clearly indicating the name of the person authorized to sign.
    2. The      technical      and     financial      proposals      should      be      submitted      to the      email

[email protected]

    1. No other Norwegian red cross email shall be in Cc or Bcc.
    2. Failure to follow instructions may lead to disqualification.
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 25. أكتوبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
تنمية, السكان النازحون, الصحة
Remuneration range:
< 1000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 Years