1038121 WVL I Call for Tender I End of Project Evaluation for BPRM Project.

World Vision Lebanon is looking for a consultant to develop an End of project evaluation for a BPRM Project.

As the project approaches the end of its second year of interventions, WVL is planning to conduct an end of project evaluation to assess four out of the six DAC criteria (the relevance, effectiveness sustainability and coherence) of the project and its holistic interventions.

The evaluation will serve as a learning resource providing evidence for planning, programming and replication of similar CP and Education interventions for the following local and international stakeholders:

PRM, WV United States (WVUS) and WV Korea: The evaluation report will be submitted to the donors of the project to present information pertaining to the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project, as part of the accountability towards the funders of the project.

WVL National Office and Bekaa & Akkar Area Offices: The evaluation report includes lessons learned and recommendations that will inform WVL’s future projects and interventions. As well, the evaluation will highlight the efforts put in this project including success stories and challenges faced throughout the two years implementation.

Local stakeholders: Including municipalities and other local level partners, who will first be involved in the evaluation process and provide valuable input about their experience and the impact of the project components on the community. This will promote stakeholder participation and motivation among community members and project partners, as they are key players for this evaluation.

More Detailed information about the Project and Tender will be shared with Tender Documentation to interested Companies/Consultants.

All National and International Companies/Individual Consultants interested in Tender participation should submit the Letter of Interest to WV Lebanon Procurement email address [email protected], to receive the Tender Documentation.

Letter of Interest should include following information:

  • Email Subject Line: 1038121 WVL I Call for Tender I End of Project Evaluation for BPRM Project.
  • Name of Company or Consultant.
  • Country of Origin.
  • Contact Information: Contact Person, Telephone, Email.

Deadline for the submission of Letter of Interest is June 17, 2020 03:00 PM Lebanon Time.

Please note:

  • Companies/consultants missing contact information in the Letter of Interest will not be considered for the Tender Participation.
  • Any submission of Letter of Interest after deadline will be rejected and companies will not be invited to Tender.

Tender Documents will be sent out electronically through WV procurement system (Provision) to interested companies/consultants by June 17, 2020 since the Deadline for the submission of Offers online via Provision system is June 24, 2020 08:00 PM Lebanon Time. . Tender documents will include detailed ToR and submission instructions. All applications should be received online through the system, no hard copies or email submission will be accepted.

How to apply

For any information, please contact WV Lebanon Procurement Department;

Telephone: 04-401 980/1 Ext: 1087/1086/1082 / 70-036 030

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 24. يونيو 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل: