Under the slogan “Together We Can Lead the Peace” Besme International Group for Humanitarian Assistance auspices by ESCWA the House of UN organized a workshop to build the capacities of political analysis and advocacy for peace maker leaders from Yemen. With the presence of the General Manager of Besme Mrs. Gulshan Saglam, Director of Woman’s Center in ESCWA Ms. Mahrinaz Awadi, from UN Ms. Amina Rashid Regional Consultant on Gender Issue Woman’s Center, from ESCWA Mr. Raidan Sakaf, Besme Deputy Manager Mr. Niazi Atay and the Project Manager Mrs. Fatma Atay.

الأهداف العامة: 
The objective of the project was to train women and create public awareness for them, especially those who are living in rural areas of Akkar, on their fundamental social and economic rights. Also, to reintroduce the skills of weaving carpets back to these villages and rural communities, offering a number of awareness sessions delivered in two phases as attendance sheets plus evaluation forms were the tools for measuring the results of the objectives. In return, the project would create public awareness for women on their essential rights and they would gain advocacy skills for their democratic rights and voices in fight for gender equality. Moreover, the project aimed at building and enhancing the socio-economic capacity of rural women by supporting them to nail capacity for their economic existence in the market with job creation activities, also, encouraging them to contribute to the income of their household and their society, moreover, to promote gender equality in economic life through community initiatives and advocacy.
All beneficiaries of the project expressed their satisfaction for the awareness sessions and stated that “they have received much information, becoming more aware than before and they feel more human and stronger after the awareness session”. The trainees also expressed great interest throughout the skill training. They appreciated the program and found the training sessions delivered by Mrs. Soukariya easy to follow and very useful for their upcoming work opportunities. The project encouraged us to furnish an atelier with looms for their usage, through which they would produce more rugs and practice more in order to develop their skills and assure the sustainability of the project. After the success of this pilot project, we believe in the necessity of implementing a complementary project focusing on the capacity development and improvement of women’s know-how to develop advanced carpet designs. Main priorities for further projects might be more about professional handicraft making such as; advanced carpets weaving techniques through the use of high-quality yarn, increased number of knots per square/inch to increase the quality of carpets, restoring the traditional handmade carpets while modernizing these carpets in design and thickness for selling them easier.
تاريخ البداية
خميس, 05/10/2017 - 11:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, الأطفال والشباب, حقوق الإنسان والحماية, التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية, حالة وقضايا النساء
مكان المشروع:
Aydamoun & Kweshra
Akkar , Aakkâr
Aakkâr LB
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
Turkish Cultural Association in Lebanon