Aley suffers from seasonal traffic, especially on its main road. From here, Khota Ashabab recognized the importance of the solutions to this problem in strengthening the economical, touristic and daily life of the citizens and held an advocacy campaign to promote the local authorities and involved figures to find fast practical solutions.
Our main target was Aley’s municipality, because they can make the decision to implement the suggested solutions. We also targeted traders and shop owners, for they are directly affected by the problem.
We conducted research on cities that had similar problems to ours and saw how they managed to solve it. We collected data on the number of cars entering Aley’s main road in peak times, conducted a study on how the parking should be arranged, the spaces that can be used and the directionality of the traffic. We then brought different views on the solution together through meetings and focus groups and managed to come up with a solution that intersects with all. As a result, we approached the municipality in a general assembly and started applying constant pressure to find solutions, but in a constructive and collaborative way. Throughout the whole process, we focused on involving the youth in our campaign through direct interaction on social media networks and photography contests that pinpoint the problem. Finally, we were able to build a group of around 20 people with the ability to lead future advocacy campaigns.
Thanks to our campaign, citizens became more aware on the adverse effects traffic is drawing back on their economical and daily life, not to mention the money lost. We thus established a public awareness on problems that are mostly considered minor. The campaign resulted in Aley’s Municipality starting to find practical solutions that we helped in formulating some, and some solutions are already implemented by now or had their drafts finished and awaiting technical processing.
We are now finalizing the project and we're collaborating with a group of engineers to present a full-packaged booklet containing all the traffic plans to Aley's main road. An implementation day will be conducted in summer 2013.

If you like to become part of Khota Ashabab and help us in this campaign or future ones, you are mostly welcomed to join us and take the lead in finding a better community. Stay tuned to hear more form us! Our contacts: , , +961 3 738473 +961 70 980771

الأهداف العامة: 
-Make a constructive social pressure on the involved official parties to find quick solutions to the problem -Spread awareness among citizens on the adverse effects traffic jam is drawing back on their economic and daily life -Create a group that is able to fully conduct an advocacy campaign
-Field Surveys -Focus Groups -Photo Marathon -Town Hall Meeting -Extensive Series of Workshops -Meetings With The Engineers -Traffic Plan Implementation Day (future invent)
تاريخ البداية
اثنين, 01/08/2011 - 3:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى