CONSULTANCY: Recommendations on the on-job training component in AVSI Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses and guidelines development

Terms Of Reference

“Vocational Training Program for Youth in
Lebanon-Phase 2”



·        Project: Vocational Training Program for Youth in Lebanon-Phase 2

·      Partners: Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), Directorate General for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DGTVE), GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

·        Donor: UNICEF

·        Duration of the project: 21 November 2018 till 31 December 2019

·   Type of consultancy: Recommendations on the on-job training component in AVSI Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses and guidelines development

·        Period of evaluation: October - November 2019


 1.     Context andpresentation of the project

AVSI is an Italian NGO working in Lebanon since 1996 in the Education, Livelihood and Emergency domains.

Within the framework of UNICEF “Vocational training program for youth in Lebanon- Phase 2” project, in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and Directorate General for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DGTVE), AVSI is currently working in 23 Lebanese technical public schools
organizing vocational training courses for Lebanese and Non Lebanese vulnerable youth, in order to give them technical and behavioral skills to support their
future employability and – through this – their active participation within the society.

Within this component of the project, in collaboration with the MEHE technical schools, AVSI is supporting the implementation of several vocational training courses in different domains. Some courses (Tailor, Line cook, Gardener, Hairdressing men and women and Mobile phones repair), are organized upon a purely “in class” approach, others (PV solar panels installation, Drinking water and sewage pipes installation, Mechanical assistant in motorcycle maintenance and Mechanical assistant in car maintenance) provide an On the Job Training component after the completion of the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) course.

Below the details about topics and locations of the 4 courses with on-Job training component:

GIZ-ProVET curricula

Eight courses in PV solar panels installation (4) and Drinking water and Sewage pipes installation (4) based on curricula and implementation procedures developed by GIZ-ProVET (40 hrs in-class course + 80 hrs On the Job Training component in different construction companies). These courses related to the construction sector are implemented in in 5 schools located in the North area:

School name

PV solar panels

Sewage pipes installation

Technical school of



Technical school of



Technical school of Deir



Technical school of Cheka



Technical school of




AVSI-UNICEF curricula

Eight courses in Mechanical assistant in motorcycle maintenance (4) and Mechanical assistant in cars maintenance (4) based on curricula and implementation procedures developed by AVSI and UNICEF (150hrs in-class course + 30 days on-job training in cars and motorcycles companies). These courses are implemented in School of Professions, Touristic and Commercial Arts/ Ghobayri and Arts and crafts school/Dekwene.

School name


School of Professions, Touristic and Commercial Arts/

assistant in motorcycle maintenance

assistant in motorcycle maintenance

assistant in cars maintenance

assistant in cars maintenance


Arts and crafts school/Dekwene

assistant in motorcycle maintenance

assistant in motorcycle maintenance

assistant in cars maintenance

assistant in cars maintenance


2.     Objectives of the consultancy

 General objectives:

·        To analyze and evaluate GIZ and AVSI “pilot” curricula implementation during the Phase II of the project to identify the best methods and procedures to integrate an on-job training component to future TVET courses

 Specific objectives:

·        To produce a standardized theoretical framework and operative guidelines for future on job training activities to be added to “standard” TVET courses


To formulate recommendations to improve the quality of the on-job training activities based on the analysis of the feedbacks gathered from the different stakeholders involved in the current project implementation


·        To analyze the GIZ and AVSI courses with special attention to the on-job training component implementation process based on the feedbacks of different stakeholders:

- School directors for the administrative and logistical procedures related to the courses implementation.

- Teachers for the technical analysis of the curricula contents and their application during the on-job training phase.

- Students to collect and analyze their needs in terms of personal knowledge and technical skills empowerment.

- Private sector actors` that cooperate in the implementation of the on-job training activities in order to adapt future activities (both TVET courses and on-job training component) to the real needs of the job market in terms of theoretical knowledge and technical skills transferred to the students.

 3.     Implementation of the consultancy

Expected implementation period: October –November 2019

·        Deadline for First draft of the deliverables: 25 November 2019

·        Deadline for the Final version of the deliverables:30 November 2019


 4.   Deliverables

The consultant should submit to AVSI the following documents:

 1.     A Final report that includes:

·        The methodology adopted

·        The analysis of the results collected through beneficiaries’ and stakeholders’ interviews and focus group discussions

·        On the Job Training Framework Guidelines

·        Recommendations for future implementation of TVET courses with on-job training component

·        General recommendations and lessons learned


2.     The OJT (On the job) Framework Guidelines are expected to provide:

·   Basic principles of an On the Job training approach related to the implementation of Vocational Training Courses

·        Guidelines to organize and implement On the Job training activities with special attention to the needed procedures and tools to monitor the application of the knowledge acquired by the students during the TVET course to the on-site working experience

·        Guidelines and tools for a fruitful Private Sector Actors involvement in the implementation of the on-job training (companies’ outreach – agreements – check list for the technical contents to be transferred and assessed during the on-job training)

·        Final assessment procedures of the on-job training activity as well as of the student acquired skills during the entire formative path (TVET + on-job training)

 5.     Selection of consultant

The consultant will be selected based on:

-      Relevance and specific experience of the consultant service provider in relation to the ToR (experience, efficiency, availability)

-      Technical proposal that will include the working methodology and a detailed financial proposal

-      Demonstrated understanding of the assignment required and its ToR including suitability and applicability

-      More than 3 years of experience in conducting evaluations in the field of Technical and Non-Formal Education sector

-      Experience in Private Sector involvement in Technical and Non Formal Education with a specific focus on the implementation of On the Job Training activities

-      Experience in livelihood sector is a plus

 6.     Documents to be presented

The consultant should present the following documents by email to [email protected]:

-      Technical proposal including the working methodology

-      Financial proposal (in US Dollars inclusive of taxes, mentioning the desired payment terms)

-      Portfolio and/or personal CV

-      Consultant’s fiscal number

-     Eligibility declaration (Annex 1) signed and stamped

Deadline for the submission of quotations is Friday October 18th 17:00 pm Beirut time.

How to apply

6.     Documents to be presented

The consultant should present the following documents by email to [email protected]:

-         Technical proposal including the working methodology

-         Financial proposal (in US Dollars inclusive of taxes, mentioning the desired payment

-         Portfolio and/or personal CV

-         Consultant’s fiscal number

-         Eligibility declaration - Annex 1 (attached) signed and stamped

Deadline for the submission of quotations is Friday October 18th 17:00 pm Beirut time.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 18. أكتوبر 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العمل وسبل العيش