Civil Society Review. Social Science for Change.

Published by Lebanon Support, the Civil Society Review emphasises cutting-edge and critical transdisciplinary analysis in a wide range of topics relevant to social sciences. It offers a novel space where academics and practitioners converge to discuss theories and reflect on practices.

It demonstrates a variety of perspectives through dynamic, historicised, and processual approaches to reflections on civil society action, and strategies in the region. While we acknowledge the polysemy and controversy behind the concept of “civil society”, and the often elusive opposition it displays, we are committed to producing original literature that both offers a reflection on civil society, particularly its contentious role and autonomy, as well as creates knowledge for what we hope can constitute tools for action and social change in the region. In this vein, the Civil Society Review, grounded in empirical research, aims at contributing to a theoretical production adopting a comparative approach among countries in the region and elsewhere. It hence focuses on the creation of a knowledge space for epistemological debates, theoretical usages, as well as empirical methodologies.

The Civil Society Review produces evidence-based research and analysis, and disseminates findings and recommendations to promote civic engagement, shape policies, and stimulate debate within civil society spheres.

In addition to its editorial board, the Civil Society Review draws expertise from practitioners, experts, researchers, and policy makers. First published in print, the Civil Society Review is made available online at a later stage.

الأهداف العامة: 
The Civil Society Review produces evidence-based research and analysis, and disseminates findings and recommendations to promote civic engagement, shape policies, and stimulate debate within civil society spheres.
تاريخ البداية
جمعة, 17/08/2018 - 3:00pm
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
بحوث ودراسات
مكان المشروع:
Damascus Road
Beirut , Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon LB
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