
تاريخ البداية: 
29/03/2012 - 3:00am

The Legal Agenda
A non-profit research organization, registered under the number 2360 on 22-12-2009
Cordially invites you to a seminar entitled

تاريخ البداية: 
20/03/2012 - 2:00am

A dinner organized by the Standing Commitee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) which is a part of the Lebanese Medical Students International Committee (LeMSIC) to be held between visually disabled

تاريخ البداية: 
14/03/2012 - 2:00am

Nadine Mokdessi, metteur en scène libanaise, présente la pièce de théâtre d’Alberto LOMBARDO, intitulée :
"Octave et les valeureuses".

تاريخ البداية: 
13/03/2012 - 2:00am

The forum aims to promote social entrepreneurship as a new business model in Lebanon.

تاريخ البداية: 
16/03/2012 - 2:00am

Woman's and Mum's Day - 16th of March 2012 *

تاريخ البداية: 
10/03/2012 - 2:00am

On average, 1 woman dies every month from family violence in Lebanon.

تاريخ البداية: 
10/03/2012 - 2:00am

The Global Youth Service Days Coordinating Committee and
The Learning to CARE Institute
Together invite
Universities, Schools, School Networks, and Youth Organizations

تاريخ البداية: 
28/04/2012 - 3:00am

Study Trip to Jordan- land of Biblical and Qur’anic Prophets
Saturday 28 April 2012 to Tuesday 1 May 2012 

تاريخ البداية: 
15/03/2012 - 2:00am

Adyan Foundation has the great pleasure to invite you to the Conference on Education on Citizenship and Coexistence in Lebanon, under the Patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Education and H

تاريخ البداية: 
24/03/2012 - 2:00am

Why and how people and organizations give varies. Individuals mainly give because they are presented with a giving opportunity that motivates them.

تاريخ البداية: 
08/03/2012 - 2:00am

تلعب مؤسسات المجتمع المدني دوراً أساسياً وبارزاً في الحد من مظاهر التمييز المجتمعي لا سيما القائم على أساس جندري وتساهم إلى حدٍّ بعيدٍ بإعادة تشكيل منظومة قيمية جديدة قائمة على أساس المساواة والعدا

تاريخ البداية: 
21/02/2012 - 2:00am

Nasawiya and AFE (Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality) are pleased to invite you to the book launch/signing of 3aroos Amman, a novel by young Jordanian blogger, Fadi Zaghmout. 

تاريخ البداية: 
16/02/2012 - 2:00am

‏A presentation of the report will be held focusing on the context of internal elections of 28 lebanese political parties‪,‬ in addition ‏to the legal context of these elections

تاريخ البداية: 
16/02/2012 - 2:00am

Interfaculty Graduate Environmental Sciences Program - Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS)and the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American Univ

تاريخ البداية: 
29/02/2012 - 2:00am

The Lebanese Emigration Research Center
at Notre Dame University - Louaizé
has the pleasure of inviting you to a lecture entitled

تاريخ البداية: 
09/02/2012 - 2:00am

Original title: Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand 

تاريخ البداية: 
14/02/2012 - 2:00am

Institut français du Proche-Orient Syrie - Liban - Jordanie - Irak – T. Palestiniens
Le Département scientifique des études contemporaines
vous invite à une Conférence de

تاريخ البداية: 
25/02/2012 - 2:00am

Funding Agencies have recently begun to encourage the use of concept notes as a way for applicants to obtain feedback on their ideas and projects.

تاريخ البداية: 
08/02/2012 - 2:00am

Public forum debate about Opening Horsh Beirut to the publicWe would like to invite you to a public discussion about the challenges that stand against the opening of Horsh Beirut Horsh Beirut, the

تاريخ البداية: 
18/04/2012 - 3:00am

International SeminarApril – September 2012 CRA'P seminars 2012