1. Conduct a robust market assessment and mapping of the area.
  2. Analyze the existing documents of previous market assessment in the region & underline the gap, the needs and the successful projects. Methodology should include desk analysis and collection of primary data, such as focus group discussions, business surveys, key informant interviews, and market observations
  3. Focus on analysis of the current markets and the livelihood capacities and competencies of potential beneficiaries in the project areas including access to markets, quality of products, (standard production and processing skills), market demand, competitiveness and compatibility, easy availability of raw material/inputs and market trends/polarity, etc.
  4. Underline obstacles, risks, and opportunities that are unique to men or women, youth or adults.
  5. Identify the main agricultural and food processed products in the region. Identify the star products (produced under high standards) that have the best competitive advantage and the related standards to follow.
  6. Expand on the market needs and on a strategy that would work for the small innovative farmers and for the farmers’ cooperatives that are specialized
  7. Put a comprehensive marketing strategy for every sector and sub-sector with detailed road map of how the food and agricultural products in Shouf can reach the market at a fair price.
  8. Assess the products sold under the SBR label and include it in the study.
  9. Identify the possible customers (suppliers) who could be interested in the production of the farmers and cooperatives and create a link between the producers and the final customers.
  10. Design and deliver marketing training for local women processing groups and farmers group and cooperatives.
  11. Review all material related to the assignment such as: Program proposals, program implementation plan, program training materials, program publications, brochures, booklets… etc.



Reports directly to SIF’s Beirut Office, to the Food Security and Livelihood Manager and program coordinator. S/he will submit the following reports on weekly and monthly basis:

  1. Inception Report to FSL manager within 2 weeks after starting the contract. This report should include in detail the following:
    1. Start-up activities,
    2. Market demand  (Prospective Customers to be targeted),
    3. Price structures,
    4. Quality control aspects,
    5. Value chain analysis of the sub-sectors and products (grading, packing, cold chain, labelling).
  2. Market assessment report after 2 month of contract, this report should include :
    1. A SWOT analysis based on inputs from stakeholders, customers and on existing reports, suggest solutions and prioritize them.
    2. A clear marketing strategy to support the farmers and cooperatives; the strategy should be possible within SIF budget and capacity to implement.
    3. A clear training pathway for farmers and cooperatives to enhance the capacity to be competitive with markets requirement
    4. Recommendations supported by annexes with detailed analysis such as stakeholder analysis, gender analysis, market analysis, risks etc… focusing on direct beneficiaries
  3. A monthly Report to the FSL program describing the status of the operation. The report must contain the information requested for the Inception Report, but where possible must show progress achieved from month to month.
  4. Final report submission

Person qualifications

  1. Bachelor Degree in business administration with emphasis on marketing
  2. Expert in marketing of agricultural products in rural contexts and with small family-run farmers.
  3. Min 3 years of marketing experience in the food and agriculture sector.
  4. Have a clear understanding of the locally food production and their packaging and labelling requirements within the region.
  5. Must have a track record of success in the marketing domain.
  6. Minimum 5 years of previous experience in humanitarian work,
  7. Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English
  8. Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office, especially Word and Excel.
  9. Must be motorized

Ethic and professional practice

  1. Respect and promote SIF’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of SIF’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
  2. Address needs and requests in a professional way.
  3. Help in ideas to support the team of the FS and Agricultural Livelihood
  4. The consultant is subject to SIF Code of Conduct, any violation of this Code of Conduct will result in immediate termination of the contract.


How to apply

Interested candidates kindly submit your CV & a cover letter to [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 20. مايو 2018
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الغذاء والتغذية