Leading Hands organisation

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
06/06/2024 - 10:03ص

The main goal of establishing this organization is to strive to reduce youth and women unemployment and poverty rates while enhancing their employability skills. This will be accomplished through the implementation of projects that contribute to fostering giving, cooperation, equality, and justice in various fields, including education, healthcare, environment, charitable work, economic development, and other social initiatives.

 Leading Hands aims to:

• Combating poverty and unemployment: By providing opportunities that help improve the economic skills and capabilities of youth.

• Empowering youth and women: By offering training, education, and support to help them achieve their full potential and uplift their lives sustainably.

• Achieving gender equality and combating discrimination: By promoting women's rights and providing equal opportunities for education, training, and economic empowerment.

• Promoting sustainable economic development: Through supporting entrepreneurship, enhancing business capacities, and providing vocational training for youth.

نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
سنة التأسيس: 
بلد المنشأ: 
تتواجد منظمتي في: 
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
الأطفال والشباب
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
التدريب وبناء القدرات
منصب الشخص المسؤول: 
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 
Contact person's phone number: 
City Center - 5th floor
Masaref Street https://www.google.com.lb/maps/@34.4368637,35.8346645,19.94z?hl=en&authuser=0
1300 Tripoli , North Lebanon
الهاتف: +961 76 460 640
North Lebanon LB
Masaref Street
+961 76 460 640
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Bilal El Namel
We collaborate with a wide network of civil society organizations, the private sector, and the government to implement sustainable development projects and social responsibility and environmental sustainability. We work together to offer innovative solutions and services in various areas, including education and training, enhancing employment opportunities and skill development, human rights protection, and equality. We value and respect our partners, and we strive to meet their needs and achieve their visions and goals. We are committed to developing sustainable and long-term relationships with our partners by delivering customized and innovative solutions that address their challenges and enhance their success.



"Leading Hands" organization was founded by a group of ambitious Lebanese youth in 2019. It officially received its registration under No. 1153 in 2021 and is recognized by the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities.

السبت, 22 مارس 2025
To event remaining 40 days

Because we believe in young people's ability and capability to change society, Leading Hands organization launches its new project with “the interreligious platform for dialogue & cooperation in the Arab world”.

الثلاثاء, 16 أبريل 2024
منتهية الصلاحية


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If you are an ambitious young woman with a true passion for helping the community, and if you want to develop your skills and contribute to making a positive change, we offer you the opportunity to join a team that cares about humanitarian issues and strives to achieve noble goals. If you're a graduate looking for a professional growth opportunity, invest your time and skills with us.

Don't miss this chance to be part of a transformative journey!

الجمعة, 31 يناير 2025
منتهية الصلاحية

Leading Hands Organization invites ambitious and passionate young women interested in social and humanitarian work to join our team!
If you are an ambitious young woman with a true passion for helping the community, and if you want to develop your skills and contribute to making a positive change, we offer you the opportunity to join a team that cares about humanitarian issues and strives to achieve noble goals. If you're a graduate looking for a professional growth opportunity, invest your time and skills with us.

Don't miss this chance to be part of a transformative journey!

الاثنين, 24 فبراير 2025


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