Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon – Call for Expression of Interest – Support to livelihood and income generation for vulnerable people – 2018
Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon – Call for Expression of Interest – Support to livelihood and income generation for vulnerable people – 2018
In the framework of its Regional Cooperation Strategy 2015-2018 for MENA, the Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon, is engaged in three main domains: Basic Needs and Services, Protection, and Water with three transversal themes: Disaster Risk Reduction, Gender Equality and Governance.
In line with its strategic priority for Lebanon under the Basic Needs and Services domain, namely contributing to safe, viable and peaceful living for conflict-affected and vulnerable people, reducing fragility, and preventing and transforming conflict, the Embassy is currently accepting Expression of Interest for projects pertaining to Livelihoods and Income Generation in Lebanon. The Embassy is seeking innovative interventions that complement the Swiss portfolio in Lebanon. For more details on the portfolio, please refer to the factsheet attached.
This call is open to all national and international NGOs, and public/government agencies active in Lebanon. Partnerships among different entities are encouraged in the framework of this call. If needed, national applicants can include backstopping or on-the-job-coaching by an international/UN partner in their submission.
Applicants can request a contribution of the Embassy of Switzerland to their overall proposed project budget in the range of USD 0.5 to 1 Million. Each applicant needs to ensure that additional funding through own or other sources/donors is secured. Funding through own or other sources must be at minimum 50% for international applicants and at minimum of 20% for national applicants. The duration of the proposed intervention should be between 2 and 3 years.
Specific Results
Under the umbrella of Livelihoods and Income Generation, the Embassy is seeking new interventions targeting vulnerable groups (Syrian Refugees, Palestine Refugees from Syria, Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, host communities). Preference will be to projects targeting different populations and (a combination of) the following dimensions:
· Promotion of livelihoods and income generating activities in coordination with the private sector and service providers (job creation; demand-side), supporting the creation of job opportunities, entrepreneurship, economic activities, production or value changing of marketable goods and services, etc.
· Improving access to income and employment (skills development; supply-side) by enriching the profiles to match basic/specific market requirements, providing access to goods, such as entrepreneurial or vocational training, technology and knowledge transfer, inclusive financial services, equipment, etc.
· The intervention lines can either target individuals directly, or act through Micro, Small (or Medium) Enterprises (MS(M)E).
Selection Process
First step: Expression for interest
Formal requirements
· Compliance with deadline: all expressions of interest need to be submitted within the given deadline (see below). Applications received beyond the deadline will not be considered.
· Compliance with the form: submissions that do not use the Embassy’s template and its guidelines (attached) will be disqualified. Submission language is English.
Criteria for suitability (administrative)
· Proven track record in LH/IGA in Lebanon, and project management, both operationally and financially.
· Proven track record in Do No Harm and Conflict-Sensitive Project Management (CSPM) approaches.
· Local or international actor*, registered in LEB or in the process of registration.
· Capacity to cover min. 50%/20% of the proposed intervention through other means.
· Commitment to comply with the contractual conditions as per the FDFA rules and regulations for local and international organization.
Criteria for suitability (operational)
· Catering either to Syrian Refugees or Palestine Refugees (PRL and/or PRS)
· Catering to the host community, following a DNH-approach
· Serving the overarching objective and the possible intervention lines and outcomes (as stated under chapter “objectives”.
· Quality and comprehensibility of relevance, intervention logic, effectiveness
· Application of the approach (or principles of) “Making market work for the poor” (M4P).
· Application of DNH and CSPM-approaches, as well as gender aspects
· Alignment with national plans (such as LCRP)
Applicants who meet the requirements above, will be reviewed internally by a selection committee based on pre-set criteria and scoring. The project(s) (depending on budget requests) with the best scores will be short-listed by mid-May 2018. If you don’t hear back from the Embassy of Switzerland by then, we regret to inform you that this means your application will not be considered for this call.
*Actors already receiving funds for the years 2018-2019 from a Swiss Federal entity (Swiss Cooperation Office (formerly Swiss Agency Development and Cooperation), Human Security Division, State Secretariat for Migration) can submit but will not be prioritized for this call.
How to apply
Second step: Submission of full proposal
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal as per a deadline indicated and a template provided by the Embassy of Switzerland in due time. A verification visit will also be organized with potential partners for an overview of their documentations and of their financial and operational management capacities.
Submission of Expression of Interest
Interested organizations are invited to submit their documents electronically by April 29th, 2018 to bey.vertretung@eda.admin.ch with the following subject: Submission of EOI: Livelihoods and Income Generation
Expression of interest must use the form attached to this call.
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