Central Administration of Statistics - Resources

Central Administration of Statistics



The Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) and the World Bank organized a workshop entitled "Gender Statistics in Lebanon: Current Situation and Future Needs," which took place on June 17, 2010.

Central Administration of Statistics

تهدف "دراسة الأحوال المعيشية للأسر للعام 2007 " إلى توفير قاعدة غنية من البيانات الإحصائية في المواضيع أدناه، وذلك بهدف التعرّف على الأوضاع المعيشية للأسر في العام 2007 ومدى تأثير عدوان تموز 2006عليها: • الخصائص الاجتماعية للأسر ولأفرادها • الخصائص الديموغرافية والتربوية لأفرا

Central Administration of Statistics

The National Survey of Household Living Conditions (The Multipurpose survey) provides a statistical database vital for the setting forth of national policies in various sectors.

Central Administration of Statistics

هذا التقرير قائم على المسح العنقودي متعدد المؤشرات الذي أجرته إدارة الإحصاء المركزي في لبنان في العام 2009.

Central Administration of Statistics

Dans le cadre du Projet MEDSTAT Environnement, l’Administration Centrale de la Statistique (ACS) – le point focal des statistiques en général et des statistiques environnementales en particulier – élabore le présent compendium.

Central Administration of Statistics

Lebanon in Figures 2008 gathers number of social and economic indicators: About Lebanon, Population, Education, Employment, Tourism, Consumer Price Index, National Accounts...

Central Administration of Statistics

The value of the Lebanese imports of goods in quarter two Q2 year 2012 was 7511 billion LBP.

Central Administration of Statistics

The value of Lebanese imports of goods in Quarter Q1 year 2012 was 9346 billion LBP. This was 518 billion LBP, 5.9% higher than imports in Q4 of previous year 2011, and 2162 billion LBP, i.e. 30% increase comparing to the same Quarter Q1 of year 2011.

Central Administration of Statistics

The value of exports from Lebanon in Quarter 4 2011, was LBP 2,052 billion. This was LBP 72 billion, 3.4%, lower than exports in Q3 2011 and LBP 148 billion, 6.7%, lower than exports in the same quarter last year.

Central Administration of Statistics

This issue of SIF looks briefly at the population and housing characteristics in Lebanon using key indicators and figures available from a number of surveys conducted by the Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) in Lebanon in recent years.

Central Administration of Statistics