Avsi Foundation - Jobs

Avsi Foundation

سنة التأسيس: 
Rue St. Fawka B.P. 92 Jounieh-Liban
الهاتف: +9619637748
Fax: +9619637748
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 



The Education assistant is in charge of the implementation and follow up of the activities carried out in the Community centers and Public Schools, whether in physical settings or remotely. The education assistants will be responsible to follow up on the activities on an average of 3 localities (center/ schools).

الخميس, 30 سبتمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Support the Information Management System (IMS) of AVSI Lebanon.

الأربعاء, 29 سبتمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

In the frame of the educational activities implemented by AVSI project (ECE, BLN, ABLN, Retention support, cash for education and distance learning support program)
Coordinating the implementation and running of the project under the supervision of the Project Manager

الثلاثاء, 28 سبتمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Responsible for the training, coaching and proficient guidance and follow up for entrepreneurship students.
Support in the implementation of the Technical agriculture program.

الجمعة, 24 سبتمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Responsible for the training, coaching and proficient guidance and follow up for entrepreneurship students.
Support in the implementation of the Technical agriculture program.

الثلاثاء, 31 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The Office Coordinator represents AVSI in his jurisdiction and in particular:
- Is responsible of the Field Office and of the correct execution of all the rules and procedures of AVSI Lebanon.
- Does a weekly meeting with all his field staff and send the report of the meeting to Lebanon Central Office.
- Sends official communication & papers to Lebanon Central office
- Has to be present in all meetings done with local stakeholders (municipalities, intelligence agents, …) as well as with local partners and other personnel such as owners of centers… in order to optimize the activities.

الثلاثاء, 24 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The Education Field Coordinator will follow up the daily implementation of the activities according to the work plan. In addition will ensure active relation with AVSI educational/CP department, local stakeholders and school principles. The education Field coordinator will be responsible to follow up on the activities implemented in fifteen localities (center/ schools).

الثلاثاء, 24 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Responsible for the overall implementation of the Technical agriculture program in specific AVSs/ centers.

الخميس, 19 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

In charge of the overall implementation of poultry and bakeries project activities on a regional scale.

الخميس, 19 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Responsible for the overall implementation of the Technical agriculture program in specific AVSs/ centers.

الخميس, 19 آب 2021
منتهية الصلاحية