Screening And Treatment Of Osteoporosis Cases Among Women At Risk In The District Of Marjayoun
According to Epidemiological studies in Lebanon, the percentage of women at risk constitutes around 25% of the female population in menopause. Osteoporosis is mainly due to an inadequate calcium intake resulting from a lack of exposure to the sun light which usually provides for Vitamin D. The absence of vitamin D prevents normal bone mineralization.
In the framework of this project, sensitization sessions will be conducted to inform the local populations about this disease. In addition, thanks to the project "Strengthening Primary Health Care System in Lebanon" implemented with the support of the French Embassy, DEXA X-ray machines has been installed at Amel Center in Khiam, which allows the testing of bone density in order to further diagnose the presence of osteoporosis.
The project aims at informing the populations as well as encouraging at risk" people to screen for osteoporosis.