Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA) - Jobs

Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA)

سنة التأسيس: 
2nd Floor, Offices 22 & 23, Eid Center
Eid Center, Alshamal Street Jabal Mohsen
5061 Tripoli , North Lebanon
الهاتف: +9616380606
Fax: +9616391236
North Lebanon LB
2nd Floor Offices 22& 23
Eid Center, Alshamal Street Jabal Mohsen
5061 Tripoli , North Lebanon
الهاتف: +9616380606
Fax: +9616391236
North Lebanon LB
2nd Floor, Offices 22 & 23, Eid Center
Eid Center, Alshamal Street Jabal Mohsen
5061 Tripoli , North Lebanon
الهاتف: +9616380606
North Lebanon LB
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
الأطفال والشباب
الغذاء والتغذية
العمل وسبل العيش
خدمات الإغاثة
نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي
حالة وقضايا النساء



For those interested, we are pleased to announce a new opportunity to join our team and contribute to our continued success as a laboratory technician within Alzahraa Medical Center.

الأحد, 26 مايو 2024
منتهية الصلاحية

Alzahraa Medical Center (AMC), owned by the Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA) is a primary health care center (PHCC) located in Jabal Mohsen - Tripoli.

AMC receives patients without any discrimination in gender, color, race or religion.

الأحد, 21 أبريل 2024
منتهية الصلاحية

Please send your CV to the following email: and cc: mentioning in the subject reference "Finance Manager".

All CVs without this subject line or cover letters will not be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.

الجمعة, 7 يوليو 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

The Head of Programs and Operations (HoP) will provide overall leadership and direction to the program teams and oversee the implementation of the organization's projects and operations. The HoP will be responsible for ensuring the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the programs and operations, and for achieving the program objectives in a timely and cost-effective manner. The HoP will work closely with the Senior Management Team (SMT) to ensure the alignment of the programs and operations with the organization's overall strategy and goals.

الجمعة, 31 مارس 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

The pharmacist will be responsible to determine the center's needs for medicines and insulins and requests them from the Ministry of Public Health in accordance with the established mechanisms.
He/she will ensure that the medicine is provided to the patient according to the medical prescription issued from within the center after making sure that there are no medical contraindications in accordance with the applicable policies.

الأحد, 19 مارس 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

The Field Coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and coordination of all field activities related to AICA’s programs in North Lebanon. The Field Coordinator will ensure that program activities are carried out in a timely and efficient manner and in accordance with AICA’s internal policies and procedures. Additionally, the Field Coordinator will provide support to the Head of Programs in the design, implementation, and monitoring of program activities.

الأحد, 12 مارس 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

The Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA), is a faith-based organization (FBO) located in Lebanon, registered under the decree No. 4500/1950, was the founded in the year 1950 in order to claim the rights of communities through the development and social projects as well as health care and medical service.
Its projects and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access (medical, health, education, work opportunities), raise individual and collective awareness, mainstream protection, and disseminate risk prevention.

الثلاثاء, 21 يونيو 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

1.توفّر القابلة القانونية الرعاية والتوعية الصحية للنساء وتنفّذ المهمات والنشاطات الضرورية للمحافظة على صحة الأمهات والأطفال تحت إشراف غير مباشر من الطبيب النسائي المسؤول عن "برنامج الصحة الإنجابية ورعاية الطفولة والأمومة" في مركز الرعاية الصحية الأولية، وذلك في الأمور المتعلّقة بتنظيم الأسرة، الوقاية من الأمراض المتناقلة جنسياً، أمراض النساء، مراقبة الحوامل وتدريبهن على الولادة والإرضاع الطبيعي ورعاية الوليد، القيام بفحص مسحة عنق الرحم (فحص القزازة)، إلخ، وفقاً للمبادئ التوجيهية الخاصّة بممارسة القبالة.
2.تلتزم بمتطلبات واحتياجات الإعتماد الصادرة عن وزارة الصحة العامة لمراكز الرعاية الصحية

الخميس, 20 يناير 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

In this position, the Finance Manager makes sure to keep all financial operations up to date such as budgeting, preparation of payment and invoices, and developing the requested financial reports. He/she oversees the financial administrative tasks as requested by AICA’s Director and Head of Programs. He/she works closely with the Logistics Manager to ensure all POs and payments related to each purchase order are well processed, monitored and verified within the budget line of the particular program. He/she oversees the finance operations of the Finance Officers and assists the Top Management i

الأربعاء, 15 ديسمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

This call aims to recruit Logistic Manager for AICA

السبت, 20 نوفمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية