Call For Development of a regulatory framework for clusters in Lebanon - Euromed Clusters Forward


Berytech is a leading organization in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Lebanon, that aims to provide a conducive environment for the creation and development of startups, through incubation, business support, counseling, funding, networking, and the company hosting, hence taking part in the economic revival of the country, participating in wealth and job creation, and retaining graduates and high-level skills in Lebanon.  

In order to effectively support sustainable economic development in Lebanon, advancing economic clusters activities through a coherent policy is key. The absence of official public clustering efforts in Lebanon, combined with the challenging economic and political landscape, highlights the necessity of key policy pillars such as a robust legal framework, effective organizational structures, technical support, and financial sustainability. These pillars are crucial for fostering a supportive environment that encourages private sector initiatives, promotes collaboration, and attracts investment. A strong legal framework provides stability and confidence for businesses; effective organizational development ensures clusters can navigate complex conditions; access to technical support drives innovation and competitiveness; and financial incentives ensure the resources needed for growth. The latter cannot be achieved without creating the sufficient awareness on the importance of clusters and its impact necessary among key stakeholders.



The Euromed Clusters Forward project, funded by the European Union, is a program led by ANIMA Investment Network. The project aims to strengthen clusters and their members across seven Southern Mediterranean countries, including Lebanon. It focuses on promoting inclusive innovation and competitiveness to foster growth, economic diversification, sustainable development, and employment in the region. The project’s activities include strategic studies, national policy dialogues, technical assistance  on cluster policies, and capacity-building academies.

The national policy roadmap for clusters developed by Beyond Group outlines the strategic framework for promoting economic clusters in Lebanon, drawing on successful examples and best practices from global contexts that are relevant to local challenges. The policy roadmap emphasizes the importance of developing clusters in key sectors, while enabling key stakeholders with the necessary skillsets, sector-specific knowhow, and technical support. By concentrating efforts in these areas, Lebanon can attract investment, foster innovation, and drive economic growth.



To kick off fostering economic growth and development on the right note, it is essential to develop a fully pledged national policy for clusters. This involves conducting a complete assessment of the economic impact of clusters activities across different sectors, aligning them with national economic strategies, and expanding on the most optimal policy constituents and focus. Additionally, formalizing the modality and preferred legal entity of clusters and clusters activities is crucial. This can be achieved by conducting a dedicated legal review of relevant laws, decrees, and legal entities identified through this project and producing recommendations and legal texts to achieve this objective.

The selected consultant will play a pivotal role in shaping Lebanon's policy for clusters by providing thorough assessments, legal reviews, and strategic recommendations to ensure the successful implementation of clustering initiatives.

Key Responsibilities

Legal Review & Formalization of clusters

  • Conduct a dedicated legal review of relevant laws, decrees, and legal entities related to activities for clusters.
  • Conduct a benchmark study based on what was previously done by the program, on clusters registration and legal structure in different countries around the world.
  • Provide recommendations to formalize the modality and preferred legal entity of clusters and determine the appropriate public authority under which they should fallEnsure compliance with national and international legal standards and best practices.

Development of a fully pledged national policy for clusters

  • Align clusters activities with national economic strategies and identify the most optimal policy constituents and focus areas.
  • Identify the appropriate role of each relevant ministry in the formalization of clusters and development of the framework, considering their specific expertise and responsibilities.
  • Facilitate consultations and discussions to ensure alignment with national priorities and legal requirements.
  • Explore and recommend a range of incentives to encourage cluster development including Tax incentives, Access to subsidized utilities and Simplified regulatory procedures for businesses operating within clusters.
  • Validate these recommendations with the concerned authorities.
  • Draft legal texts and strategic frameworks for a fully pledged national policy for clusters.

Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building

  • Engage with key stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, and legal experts, to gather feedback and build consensus on the proposed policy for clusters.
  • Organize, workshops, and roundtable discussions to  present the final outcomes of the drafted policy and frameworks, highlighting the ministries' roles in their adoption and implementation.
  • This involves securing the events venue, developing the training content based on the previous work done by the program and securing the attendance and engagement of the decision makers.
  • Delivering the training sessions based on the timeline.


  1. Legal Review & Recommendations:
    1. Legal review report on relevant laws, decrees, and legal entities.
    2. Draft contextualized definition for clusters.
    3. Draft recommendations or legal texts to formalize the modality of the clusters in Lebanon.
  2. Policy Framework:
    1. Comprehensive assessment report on the economic impact of activities for clusters and how they align with the national economic strategy
    2. Summary of stakeholder consultations and feedback.
    3. Final draft on the legal texts and strategic frameworks developed after identifying the role of the ministries and aligning with national priorities and legal requirements.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement Reports
  1. Reports on consensus-building activities and outcomes.
  2. Materials presented during the sessions.


  1. Educational Background:
  1. Strong background in economic regulations, public policy, law, or a related field.
  2. Relevant certifications in legal analysis, policy development, or economic assessment are a plus.
  1. Professional Experience:
  1.  Minimum of 7 years of experience in conducting legal reviews and analysis and drafting legislative or regulatory frameworks..
  2. Experience in comparative legal studies and international benchmarking of legal structures for clusters.Experience working with Lebanese government institutions, public authorities, and relevant ministries to shape policies and regulation.
  3. Experience in developing and delivering training sessions and workshops tailored to legal and policy frameworks.
  1. Skills and Competencies:
  1. Strong understanding of Clusters concepts and their benefits for economic development.
  2. Good negotiation and consensus building skills.
  3. Excellent communication and multi-stakeholder engagement abilities.

How to apply

The selected consultant is expected to start their activities as soon as possible after selection, with the contract duration set for 7 months.

To apply, please submit your proposal by email to: before March 30, 2025 BoD with the subject: ECF -Policy Development

The Application should include:

  • Technical proposal describing the methodology, content and timeline required and A clear overview of outputs, and deliverables.
  • Financial proposal describing the costs incurred in preparing and providing the services. The financial proposal shall be quoted in EURO. In addition, please mention valid bank account details.
  • Profile and Project References: Explanation of the consultant's background, including CVs and project references.

The shortlisted candidates will be contacted by Mid-April 2025.


Up to 15,000 EUR.


آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 30. Mar 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: