EXTENDED: Invitation to bid No: 2025-013 FLEET TENDER “Framework Agreement for One Year”
The Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) hereby invites sealed bids from manufacturers/reputed firms/ registered suppliers for the supply of the following supplies/ services:
Lot No.
Item description
No. of items per Lot
Delivery of PO
Mini Bus
How to apply
- One sealed envelope should be submitted in person and not by email to LRC headquarters in Spears, Finance Department at the 2nd floor with the inscription: ITB/ 2025-013 Do not open before 21 February 2025” No other inscription should be included on this envelope.
- All interested bidder in this ITB are requested to send an email with subject Reference INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO: 2025-013 Fleet To the following email hoda.fakih@redcross.org.lb indicating the willingness to be a part of this bid, this will enable you to receive any amendments or updates related to this ITB.
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 24. فبراير 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المأوى والمواد غير الغذائية