The following annexes form integral part of this Invitation to Bid:

             Annex A:           Technical Specifications

Annex B:            Terms of Reference

Annex C:            Financial Offer Form

Annex D:           Vendor Registration Form  

Annex E:            UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Goods -

JULY 2018

Annex F:            UN Supplier Code of Conduct

Annex G:           Vendor Sanction Clearance Form



We would appreciate you informing us of the receipt of this ITB by return e-mail to ( and ( as to:

-             Your confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid

-             Whether or not you will be submitting a bid


Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification or any question in respect of this ITB by e-mail to ( and ( The deadline for receipt of questions is Thursday, 19 December 2024 at 23:59 HRS Beirut, Lebanon local time. Bidders are requested to keep all questions concise.

How to apply

Your offer shall be prepared in English.

Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested formats may be not taken into consideration.

The cost of preparing a bid and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment.

Your offer shall comprise the following two sets of documents (pdf files, soft copy):


-     Technical offer

-      Financial offer

Technical and financial offer must be sent in separate offers. For further instructions on submission please refer to “Submission of Bid” section 2.7 of this ITB.




The offers must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company.

Bids should be submitted by file upload to eTenderBox, the online bid registration tool of UNHCR.

The eTenderBox can be accessed via the following URL:

In order to use the eTenderBox, registration on the website is required. This registration is exclusively for eTenderBox and does not replace any other registrations for UNHCR applications. One Supplier should have only one registered email account in the system. Therefore, the Supplier must use only one eTenderBox account for managing its offers to UNHCR. In case the password is forgotten, that account cannot be used anymore and new registration is required. Registration Guide and User Manual of eTenderBox are available at the above URL.

Allowed extensions for files to upload are .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .txt, .zip. .ppt, .pptx, .bmp, .rar, .gif, .tif and .tiff. Executable files (.exe, .bat, .cmd, etc.) should not be uploaded. The maximum size limit per file is 10MB.

Uploaded files can be amended by the Supplier while the tender is open. The selected files for upload are submitted when the ‘Save & Submit’ button is clicked on. Therefore, this button has to be clicked before the deadline expires. If done so, the selected files will be submitted and uploaded successfully even if the deadline expires during the file upload. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all files of the final offer are submitted by the tender expiration deadline.

Once the deadline for submission is expired, the bid will be automatically closed after which the uploaded files can be reviewed but options for additional upload and deletion of previously uploaded files are not available anymore. In order to ensure the safe submission of the full and final offer, it is recommended to have all files uploaded well before the tender deadline.

Deadline: 29 December 2024 – 23:59 Hrs Lebanon Local Time

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 29. ديسمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات