Market Analysis and Sector Study for 3 areas in Lebanon

The René Moawad Foundation is recruiting Consulting Services for the Market Analysis and Sector Study for 3 areas in Lebanon for the pilot Productive Economic Inclusion in Lebanon (PEIL) project implemented by RMF, World Bank and the Ministry of Social Affairs.


The selected firm/consortium shall possess the following qualifications:


● A specialized firm, with its leading team having degrees in Economics, Social Sciences, Education or a closely related field;

● Experience in conducting market research;

● Strong proficiency of its leading team in English and Arabic, both oral and written;

● Good knowledge of the Lebanese political, economic and social context;

● Excellent writing, communication, and presentation skills;

● Strong social, organizational and knowledge management skills required in order to coordinate and manage a research and project network;

● Capacity to produce high-quality reports;

● Experience designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments, in particular surveys and focus groups;

● Ability to work independently under limited supervision;

● The contracted firm will be expected to work in close consultation with the project team from RMF and the World Bank.


● Knowledge of/experience with poverty-targeted social assistance programs that support self- employment and provision of social services;

● Experience with refugee contexts is desirable.

How to apply

  1. Inquiries

Any correspondence or inquiry can be addressed to the following office:

RMF Office Contact:

  • Rami Tannous – Procurement Specialist                                              
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 01-613367/8


  1. Proposal submission
  1. Financial and technical proposals should be separated and include a reference number, each in COMPRESSED FOLDER. Documents need to be signed by an authorized representative of the supplier, each page must be initialed and the final page must be signed and dated.
  2. Any submitted proposal that does not include the details as indicated above will be subject to possible disqualification.


  1. Schedule and Deadline of Submission

Submission Deadline: October 02, 2024

All times are in the local time of Beirut, Lebanon. Please note that all dates are provisional dates and RMF reserves the right to modify the schedule.


  1. Manner of Submission

Bid documents shall be submitted as a soft copy to the following e-mail:

[email protected] not later than 4 pm on the due date indicated above in: Schedule and deadline for submission.


  1. Assessment Criteria

Award of the contract (s) will be based on the following:

Step 1: Technical Evaluation

A technical evaluation will be conducted for the bidders; clarification meetings will be held with shortlisted bidders.

Step 2: Financial Evaluation

Price in comparison with RMF established expectation and in comparison, to other bidders of comparable technical quality.

آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 02. أكتوبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
11 weeks