Public Call for Tender for contracting the services of Outreach organization in West Bekaa and Hasbayya PN: 21.1823.0-001.00- ACE


  1. Background

The project Strengthening Agriculture, local Communities, and small and medium Enterprises (ACE) aims to strengthen economic stabilization and improve social stability through targeted measures to promote cooperation and exchange in three areas of action:

  1. Agriculture: Support of farmers to form agricultural associations and to produce in accordance with market needs, including training and sharing of good agricultural practices.
  2. Support of small and medium enterprises (SME): Targeted promotion of income prospects with financial and capacity-building measures to promote entrepreneurial action and closing important gaps in the value chains.
  3. Local communities & social stability: Joint planning & implementation of low-threshold community initiatives both within civil society and together with local governments to strengthen positive intergroup experiences as well as increasing confidence in local capacity to act.
  1. Context

The project is categorized as part of the transitional development assistance, and under the second area of action will promote private sector engagement, improving individual skills so that the parties responsible in agricultural businesses, food processing enterprises and other MSMEs downstream of food security and climate change, will be able to understand changes and adapt their actions.

This will involve the provision of knowledge for the development of new products or the adaptation of existing products, in addition to helping MSMEs complete a just transition towards green energy via in-kind grants and technical assistance. Our objectives also include realizing the potential of local agriculture. They involve MSMEs, for example, exploring alternative sources of procurement from the local agricultural sector, re-evaluating and, where necessary, adjusting the sales strategy for the local and international market. In addition, ACE project will help MSMEs evaluate and, if necessary, adjust the product range in line with changed demand on the local market and analyze and, if applicable, reduce the costs of maintaining a business. GIZ’s private sector support in the ACE project will focus on six main value chains: Olive, Dairy, Honey, Legumes, Wheat and Barley, Agroforestry, and Protected Agriculture value chains.

GIZ is seeking an organization for outreach and communication to develop and implement a comprehensive outreach strategy for the Call-for-Applications under the ACE project component supporting MSMEs. The organization will be responsible for spreading awareness about the project, engaging stakeholders, and targeting industry-specific MSMEs to encourage their participation through a Call for Applications and then collecting the information. Objective of the assignment: GIZ is looking for an organization to conduct Outreach activities for the GIZ ACE project in the Area of West Bekaa and Hasbaya, while working under the scope and deliverables mentioned below.

How to apply

  1. Application Qualification & requirements

The aim of this expression of interest is to recruit and acquire the services of an Outreach organization in experienced in the region of West Bekaa and Hasbayya well knowledgeable in this assess.

To apply, you are kindly requested to abide by the following instructions: 

The Tender Documents consist of: 

Annex 1- Financial Offer 

Annex 2- Technical Assessment Grid

Annex 3- Terms of Reference (ToR)

Annex 4- Eligibility Grid

Annex 5-General terms and conditions


For Further Clarification regarding the intended Tender, may be obtained in writing by sending an email to [email protected]  during normal office hours by 01.07.2024. 

Noting that in your e-mail the subject should be:  

"Clarification - Outreach organization - PN 21.1823.0-001.00 ACE


The offers/Proposals shall be sent in TWO separate emails to the following email:  

All documents should be submitted in one email to [email protected]  in-PDF format by Thursday, July 4, 2024 - till 23:59 o'clock  Beirut Local Time at the latest.

The assessment of received offers will be done after the deadline closure, and the results will be shared with only the selected bidders by Wednesday, July 10th, 2024.

Note: Sending your offers to any other email address or non-compliance with any of the mentioned conditions will result in rejecting your participation in this tender. 


Two Emails shall be sent, one for the Technical Offer and another email for the Financial Offer. 

Your email subject lines shall be named as follows: 

Consultant Name/Technical offer/Outreach organization -ACE

Consultant Name/ Financial offer/Outreach organization -ACE


- The offers shall be submitted in English language only. 

- The offers shall be signed 

- The financial offer must be in USD including taxes, should be valid at least for Four Months after the submission date (Please mention it in your offer). 

- You shall not be reimbursed for your submitted offers.


Technical and Financial offers/Proposals (in two Separate Emails), 

i-Technical Offer/Proposal which consists of: 

  1. A comprehensive Concept note not exceeding 10 pages. Any information exceeding the page limit will not be considered for evaluation – in PDF format.
  2. A comprehensive CV not exceeding 4 pages. Any information exceeding the page limit will not be considered for evaluation – in PDF format.
  3. signed copy from Annex 5- General Terms and Conditions and self declaration


Kindly note that any price indication of any item in the technical offer may lead to disqualification.


ii- Financial Offer/Proposal, which should consist of:   

  1. Financial Offer (please use Annex 1 and quote your fee in USD incl. Taxes) 
  2. Copy of Ministry of Finance (MoF) registration - If Available. Please note that experts not registered with the MoF are eligible but will be taxed at a higher rate in accordance with applicable tax laws and regulations – in PDF format.

Detailed instructions of the contents of your offer/proposal and the mode of presentation/submission are attached both in the ToR, assessment grid for eligibility check and Technical Assessment Grid. 

The Technical Offer has a weighting of T:70% and the price Offer F: 30%

The following formula will be used

Technical evaluation of Bid*70        +  Most Economic bid*30%

Technical evaluation of best bid              Price Of bid


Additional Conditions: 

The currency of the contract is USD. The employer shall not be responsible for any currency fluctuation. 

The payment will be made via bank transfer to the company’s local bank account “fresh money”. 

Non -compliance may result in your bid not to be considered.

In the event the contractor was not registered in the ministry of finance and does not hold an income tax number, GIZ has the right to deduct 8.5 % of the amount presented in the invoices by the contractor.

N.B. The maximum mailbox receive size is capped at 25 MB. Documents exceeding the mentioned MB should be transferred via : Start ( (Provide the password)

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 04. يوليو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
زراعة, الاتصالات والإعلام, العمل وسبل العيش
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
10.07.2024 - 31.10.2024