Pregnancy & New born Kits (Clothes and Hygiene products)

As part of our programs in Syria, the French Red Cross (in partnership with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent) is opening this call of tender to purchase Pregnancy and New born kits.

Lot number: 1

Item: Pregnancy and new born kits (clothes and hygien products)

Delivery area of the lot: Tartous - SYRIA

How to apply

The companies who wish to bid are invited to request a tender dossier from the French Red Cross via this email:

(Note: Requests are accepted if only isent from an official company email account)

The deadline for the submission of tenders is set on the 12/07/2024, before 16:30, Lebanon time.



Kindly find below questions received regarding the tender 2024-LB-BEY-001 with the answers from French Red Cross.

1- Can you specify the approximate number of kits ?

Answer :

This RFT is to contract a framework agreement 

As mentioned in the 2a Consultation file, under Article 1 :

1.4 FRC throughout this tender process wants to contractualise the selected supplier(s) with a framework agreement. Please note that quantities listed in the tender document are indicative, may vary according to program needs and cannot be considered as a firm commitment for FRC. In the offer, the tenderers are encouraged to propose, for each item, different prices according to a quantity range.

Annexe :  2b_Consultation file_Annex E_Financial offer (Pricing Matrix)


2- Do companies have to submit for all items in the lot or they can select the items they want to provide according to their industry sector?

Answer :

The tenderer have to submit for all items, as mentioned in the 2a Consultation file , under Article 1 : 

1.3 The award of the contract will be on a single lot. 


3- Does FRC accept an email offer submission ?

Answer :

FRC won't accept an email offer submission as mentioned in the 2a-Consultation file, but the offer can be sent by post box.


4- Do you require the four packs of diapers to be packed within the same fabric backpacks as the other items or should they be packaged separately?

Answer :

The provider should not put the items in the backpack, but put each item individually in the box.

The beneficiaries will take the cardboard box and put later the items in their backpack (meaning some of the diapers).


5- Is there a problem for a European company to apply for the tender ?

Answer :

FRC has no problem for a European company to apply

FRC won’t accept an email offer submission as mentioned in the 2a-Consultation file.

But the offer can be sent by post box and the tenderer shall send one sample of full kit including all items on the content list specifications

French Red Cross at Rmeil, Mar Geawargeous Street, Building Horizon, floor 4, Plot # 661 lot 13  Beirut Lebanon


6- Do you want to send documents via email or in person?

Answer :

In person , as written page 4 :

Tenders have to be submitted: 

·     hand-delivered against receipt to FRC office in Beirut , with the ID of the person who submitted the tender package

French Red Cross at Rmeil, Mar Geawargeous Street, Building Horizon, floor 4, Plot # 661 lot 13  Beirut Lebanon

Office hours : Monday to Friday, 9.30 am till 4.30 pm 


7- Do you want to attach samples to the papers?
Answer :

We request the sample physically with the tender offer  


8- Do you want to deliver the papers in the capital, Beirut?

Answer :

As written page 6 , to deliver physically in Beirut.

To perform a quality evaluation of the items, the tenderers are asked to provide the samples to the FRC office.

The tenderer shall send one sample of full kit including all items on the content list specifications to French Red Cross at Rmeil, Mar Geawargeous Street, Building Horizon, floor 4, Plot # 661 lot 13 Beirut Lebanon


9- Is this tender opened for the international companies?

Answer :

FRC has no problem for a International company to apply.

FRC won't accept an email offer submission as mentioned in the 2a-Consultation file.

But the offer can be sent by post box and The tenderer shall send one sample of full kit including all items on the content list specifications

French Red Cross at Rmeil, Mar Geawargeous Street, Building Horizon, floor 4, Plot # 661 lot 13  Beirut Lebanon


10- In the tender documents, it is mentioned that this tender will result in signing a framework agreement, would you please clarify the term of this agreement (how many months)?

Answer :

This RFT is to contract a framework agreement for a year, renewal twice, 3 years in total.


11- Would you please provide us with the estimated quantity?

Answer :

As mentioned in the 2a Consultation file : 

under Article 1 : 1.4 FRC throughout this tender process wants to contractualise the selected supplier(s) with a framework agreement. Please note that quantities listed in the tender document are indicative, may vary according to program needs and cannot be considered as a firm commitment for FRC. In the offer, the tenderers are encouraged to propose, for each item, different prices according to a quantity range.

In the annexe :  2b_Consultation file_Annex E_Financial offer (Pricing Matrix)

we request the % of discount if quantities orders is > 450 kits and if > 2000 kits.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 12. يوليو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي