Food and Hygiene Baskets for Families in Lebanon

This project is aimed at 150 families of single mothers in the regions Beirut, Kesserwan, Bcharreh and Koura and plans to provide them with basic food and necessary hygiene articles. Without the worry of having to provide for their daily needs, the children and mothers are to be enabled to make effective use of the opportunities offered to them in an educational project, funded by Orienthelfer e.V.

Orienthelfer e.V. is a non-profit, non-governmental organization launched in 2012 in Munich, Germany, by German political cabaret artist and writer, Christian Springer. Orienthelfer e.V. seeks to sustainably improve the prospects of people affected and disadvantaged by crises and conflicts in the MENA region, mainly in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen - regardless of gender, age, religious affiliation, or origin. Through humanitarian projects Orienthelfer e.V. provides immediate recovery in hardship situations and technical assistance to public rescue services. Its development projects contribute to equitable access to quality education and food security.

How to apply

Quotations / bids must be submitted via email to by 24.06.2024. All further details on the requested items, contractual conditions and modalities for submitting bids are elaborated on in the attached files.


  • 12.06.24: The list of requested items can be downloaded in excel-format via the link in chapter 5 of the attached document. 
  • 14.06.24: Please note: Annex 1, linked in the adjusted Request for Quotations (see attachment), has been updated. There is no change to the content, only the display of the required quantities in Annex 1 has changed: we still require 150 parcels per month with the specified content packed in a cardboard box. 
  • 17.06.2024: Please download the zip files to open the Annex 1.
  • 20.06.2024: Any changes to the requested amount, size etc. can be mentioned in the notes section of Annex 1. This annex is linked in the adjusted Request for Quotations and is also available here. For access please click on the link, download the zip folder and open the Excel file. (If this does not work, please try another browser - edge should work.)
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 24. يونيو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الغذاء والتغذية, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي