FSF is looking for a Market Validation Expert to conduct 20 clinics (2 clinics per startup) for 10 startups within Idea Lab Program. 

This program is under the ACT Smart Innovation Hub, a comprehensive initiative launched by Berytech and funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lebanon.


Market Validation Clinic - the trainer will go through their competitor's analysis and market size

How to apply

Please send your CV, Financial Offer, Portfolio, and MOF/ID to Reem Malaeb at:


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 15. مايو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
زراعة, بيئة
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months