Public Call for Tender nb. 91178623 Procurement of Autoclave 18.2208.9-001.00 QuA-VET


The project "Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training in Lebanon" aims to increasingly align vocational education and training in sectors with sustainable employment potentials with the needs of the Lebanese economy.

Emphasis is placed on improving the partnership between vocational training institutions and the private sector, strengthening human resource capacity in vocational training institutions, and developing practice-oriented training programs. The target groups of the project are young people, unemployed and underemployed adults who want to improve their employment prospects through qualifications relevant to the labour market.

The implementing partner is the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE), which lacks capacity at various levels to involve the private sector in vocational education and training. This concerns curriculum development, teacher training and the expansion of practical elements in teaching. The project's advisory approach includes establishing and advising coordination bodies with representatives of the state vocational training sector and company representatives at the macro and steering levels, piloting cooperation models between vocational training institutions and the private sector, systematic human resources development in public vocational training institutions and testing competency-based, modularized training programs.

This request for public tender is launched to support Output 3 of the QuA-VET project which aims to pilot modularised and practise-oriented vocational training education and training courses in cooperation with the DGVTE in public TVET schools and institutes in Lebanon, targeting the sector of health inspection and food safety (technician (TS) level).


This request for public tender is intended to identify a supplier who can provide and deliver to the specified delivery locations, the following described Tools, equipment and consumables within the recommended delivery date.

Prior to all goods delivery, the supplier is required to split the goods in 5 different batches, i. e. each item is to be divided by 5 and delivered in one of the 5 designated schools. QuA-VET team will inspect, approve, and advise in case of needed modifications. Each batch of goods will be delivered to the following locations:

  • National Institute of Nursing Care (Bir Hassan): Delivery four (4) weeks after contract signature
  • Nabatieh Technical Institute (Nabatieh): Delivery four (4) weeks after contract signature
  • Rene Mouawad Technical Institute (Zgharta): Delivery five (5) weeks after the contract signature
  • The Orthodox Vocational Institute Akkar (Akkar): Delivery five (5) weeks after the contract signature
  • Bednayel Technical Institute (Bednayel): Delivery six (6) weeks after contract signature

The products will be delivered within the above-mentioned time frame and in coordination with the respective project members. Delivery will be done to the schools’ premises in the presence of a project member and of the school staff. Depending on the situations of the schools, delivery time may be subject to modification, the supplier will be notified at least 3 days before the day of delivery. In some cases, the delivery might change to a different school depending on the availability of the school staff.

How to apply

We request full conformity with all conditions/ general terms as mentioned below and would like to point out that non-conformity could lead to the exclusion of your offer.

1- The offer shall be sent in two separate emails to: [email protected]

2- The two emails sent are; one for the Technical Offer/Proposal and another for the Financial Offer. Your emails shall be named as follows: 

  -Company name/Technical offer/ Our inquiry number:91178623

  -Company name/ Financial offer/ Our inquiry number: 91178623

3- The offers shall be submitted in English language only.

4- The offers shall be signed, dated and stamped.

5- Refurbished items are not acceptable.

6- All manuals must be delivered in English.

7- Requested warranty time: One year.

8- Requested Delivery Period: Maximum delivery time should be within 10 weeks from PO signature

9-The offer should include transportation and delivery fees according to the dates and locations stated in Chapter 2. No extra delivery price will be accepted.

10- GIZ has the right to request a sample check for the mentioned items after the offer has been submitted.

11- Please quote your prices bearing in mind that a penalty of 1/2 % of the total purchase order sum will be deducted on each delayed week calculated from the due date of delivery.


Technical and Financial Proposals in two separate emails:

1-Technical Proposals, which consists of:

Technical proposal shall be sent as PDF file including the complete and detailed description of the items as per the inquiry.

Technical proposal shall be signed, dated, and stamped.

Company’s Portfolio including the board members (Company Legal name, focal point, contact details, exact location, available product and services, old experience, year of establishment, availability of product and services, average annual turnover for the last three financial years, and average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years)

Company’s legal documents, company registration and MoF registration.

GIZ general purchase conditions signed, dated, and stamped.

Self-declaration EU-Russia sanctions signed, dated, and stamped.

Kindly note that any price indication of any item in the technical offer may lead to disqualification.


2-Financial Proposals, which should consist of:

Financial proposal in USD including Taxes/VAT.

Financial Offer should be Valid for: Four Months from PO date.

Financial proposal includes the date and the company’s Tax registration number at the Ministry of Finance.

The financial proposal shall clearly indicate the price of the overall tender and the price for each of each item.

Bank account details of the company inside Lebanon.


- Please note that in case you did not receive any notification in writing within 4 weeks after the deadline for submitting the offers, it shall indicate that your offer has not been accepted. You shall not receive a separate notice to this effect.   

- The bidders shall not be reimbursed for their submitted offers.

- Sending your offers to any other email address or non-compliance with any of the mentioned conditions will result in rejecting your participation in this tender.

- All Products / items with Origin Russia or Belarus are not accepted by GIZ Office and Project due to sanction list against Russia and Belarus.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 26. يناير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العلوم والتكنولوجيا