LOST announces a tender A32/2023 for " Supply and Delivery of Seeds Bags and Urea" within project "Drosos"
Tender number: A 32/2023 supply and delivery of Urea and seed bags.
How to apply
Tender number: A 32/2023.
1. General remarks and special condition: The supply and delivery of the requested items must be as per our specifications, sound, fair, and of merchantable quality.
2. Specification / Quantity: see Part B-Technical Specifications in the attached tender dossier.
3. Samples: Required upon request.
4. Delivery date: within 20 working days from signing the contract
5. Delivery location: as mentioned in the Distribution List mentioned in the tender dossier-see page: 8
6. Prices: All offered prices must be indicated in US Dollars only. Quotations stated in other currencies will not be considered during the awarding process. Prices must include transportation & VAT.
7. Inspection, Acceptance, and Rejection: LOST reserves the right to inspect and test through its representatives all Goods ordered under the Contract at any time and place. The Contractor, without additional charge, shall provide all facilities for inspection and all necessary support to ensure that inspections can be performed in such a manner as not to unduly delay the delivery of the Goods.
LOST may reject any goods supplied under the Contract that do not meet the requirements of the Contract or apply a penalty for Goods not fully conforming to such requirements. Rejection of the goods shall be made as soon as practicable after the delivery of the Goods to their final destination.
Neither any inspection carried out by representatives of LOST nor any acceptance of the goods or part thereof by LOST nor any omission by LOST to inspect, accept, and/or reject the Goods or part thereof shall release Contractor from its responsibility for such Goods that are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, including warranties.
8. Ordering Party:
The Lebanese Organization of Studies and Training
Baalbek – Ras Al Ain – Al Lakis building
+961 8 377075 – EXT.120
Requests for clarifications and questions should be sent by mail to: procurement@outlook.com
9. Conditions for submission: Only Suppliers that have company license registration, commercial register, commercial broadcasting, certificate of registration with the Ministry of Finance, and certificate of registration with Value added Tax (VAT) if applicable, are allowed to participate in the tender.
10. Tender documents: Will be shared on Daleel Madani.
LOST requests that the documents of the tender (technical and financial) proposal must be submitted by hand in separated and sealed envelopes, stamped with the bidder’s name and telephone number, tender’s name and number, attached to the Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training at its main branch in Baalbek, Ras Al-Ain Street, Al-Lakis building, Second Floor, at the Secretariat’s office.
11. Deadline for submitting tender documents: Monday 18/12/2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Any bid submitted after the closing date of the tender will be rejected.
Bid Opening: On Tuesday 19/12/2023, at LOST center – Baalbek - Lebanon.
12. Payment method: Payments will be made in USD (Fresh money) through banking channels to the company's account, within Five working days after receiving the original invoice and the delivery note, based on the agreed terms and conditions.
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