Installation of Water Tanks in the informal settlement
Terms of Reference
Installation of Water Tanks in the informal settlement
Oxfam Lebanon Programme
Oxfam is a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty. Oxfam has been working in Lebanon since 1993. We provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people affected by conflict, and we promote economic justice and good governance, and women’s rights. Oxfam also works with local partners to contribute to the protection and empowerment of marginalized women and men.
In responding to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Oxfam addresses the emergency water needs through WaSH service provision to populations residing in informal settlements; and to those of the Lebanese host communities through efforts to improve water infrastructure and management systems.
Oxfam’s response includes water trucking services, water tank distributions, and water quality monitoring; provision of family latrines with gender-sensitive considerations and for persons with special needs, construction of grey water systems, and latrine desludging services; in addition to raising awareness around public health issues in local partners.
Project Objective:
Oxfam is seeking a contractor to install water points for the vulnerable and eligible families in the informal tented settlements in Aadous, Haouch Tall Safiye, Haouche Barada, Jebaa, Talia, Aaynata, Barqa, Bechouat, Btedaai, Chlifa and Deir El-Ahmar villages located in North Bekaa region.
Content of Works:
- Estimated quantity of water point installation is 8.
- The Contractor must submit a detailed workplan before the beginning of the implementations.
- The period of execution of the works on the site shall be according to workplan submitted by the contractor. Daily penalty equivalent to 10% of the contract value if the contractor exceeds the specified working days.
- Quantity may increase or decrease, as Oxfam has the right to request half the quantity only if needed.
- Oxfam will inform the contractor on the location of the water points and the contractor must adhere to this.
- Oxfam has the right to request the re-building of any facility not installed in the location that Oxfam staff shared.
- The period of execution of the works should not exceed 15 days.
- The contractor should prepare and submit technical and financial offer for the works with details of the execution plan, detailed Bills of Quantities, and execution schedule.
- The contractor will be responsible to provide transportation for his worker to the sites all the days, considering restrictions on movements.
- The tender items are not dividable.
- The Site Engineer may amend what he deems "technically" suitable for the project and after taking the approval of Oxfam, and the Contractor must abide completely with what was required by the supervising committee.
- The Contractor’s relationship will directly be with OXFAM staff and not with the refugees.
- OXFAM will inform the contractor on the date of starting the construction before one week.
- Construction plan will be prepared and shared with contractor.
- OXFAM staff or his/her representative will onsite during the construction.
- The contractor shall execute all work required in the presence of the site Engineer or his/her representative considering that the supervision committee has the right to require
re-implementation in case of violation of specifications agreed in the technical Book of Conditions or the instructions of the supervising committee or which have been executed in the absence of Oxfam supervisors without informing the supervisor of the time of executing the works.
- Oxfam WASH Team or his/her representative is responsible to monitor and confirm the work.
- All water points should be as per BoQ.
- The contractor should have the capacity to work in more than one site/area at the same time if needed.
- The contractor should ensure safety and security/prevention to avoid any accident while implementing the activity.
The Contractor must:
- Ensure that the supplied items are brand new not renewed, and that applies to all the supplied items. Preference is given to the items that have proven technical quality and efficiency during the operation.
Facilities Construction:
- The contractor is committed to all the engineering designs relative to these Technical Conditions including the quantities and dimensions. The Contractor may not increase or decrease these quantities without the written consent of Oxfam.
- The water points shall be installed in the specified places only and exclusively under the directives of the supervising team of Oxfam and conform to the requirements of the beneficiaries of these facilities, taking into account access to the water point tank for the process of water provision. Oxfam programme team will share the exact location and direction of the requested latrines.
Qualification of supplier:
The supplier should submit:
- Copies of the original documents that indicated the establishment or the legal status and registration of the supplier.
- Three references, two of them from customers who have work with the bidding parties long ago.
- At least Three years of experience in the same domain (company name, contact name and phone number).
- Contractor should have experience working in the informal settlement (provide document: name of project, area, other details)
- Contractor should have experience in working in Bekaa (provide document: name of project, area, other details).
- Detailed list of tools and machinery that will be used in the implementation of the project.
- CV for the key persons, mainly person will be on site (project manager, civil engineer).
- I.D. card for the person signing on the bid empowered by the power of attorney.
- Bill of Quantities priced.
The contractor should prepare and submit technical and financial offer for the works with Bills of Quantities.
Location of water point
Name of village
Number of water point
Haouche Barada
Bill of quantity:
Water Point Construction
Supply, weld and install steel stand for 2000L elevated vertical tank with dimensions 1.2*1.2*0.8m height .
Works shall include but not limited to:
1. Welding hollow steel bars 50 mmX25mm thickness 2mm
2. Supply and install a steel base support sheet on top of the steel stand with 2mm thickness.
2. Steel should be coated with 1 layers of primary substance (zarakoun) then 1 layer pf unticorrosion epoxy
Supply and install a water tank on top of the stand:
- PE 3 layers plastic tank
- Circular (vertical) tank
- brand NTG or equivalent
Supply and install tap plumbing on the provided Water tanks.
Works shall include but not limited to:
- Installation of reducer threaded nipple (شريط بعزقة مخالف)
- Installation of 0.5" 3 taps distributor fitting
- Installation of 3*0.5"Tap with teflon sealant
Supply and cast reinforced concrete base (1.5*1.5m * 0.2m) with steel mesh 10mm, steel mesh, 1 bar every 25 cm
Supply and install Aluminium metal plate which includes shelter code shared by technical team, with Oxfam and donor logos for visibility
Supply plastic 10L jerry cans - Potable water compatible
Qualification of supplier:
Coordination and Supervision
The activity will be supervised by Oxfam’s PHE team. Oxfam may assign additional staff during the implementation of activity.
Questions / Request for clarification
Any requests for clarification may be submitted by email or to ccing
Timeframe and Payment
100% payment after completing the construction of the requested quantity and submitting the financial documents. Oxfam will pay based on the number of constructed latrines.
How to apply
Interested candidate to submit :
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