Call for Concept Notes
Save the Children Lebanon - Call for Concept Notes Application Form – Locally Led Actions:
In line with our localization strategy, Save the Children in Lebanon is committed to empowering Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) by giving or supporting them to have access to flexible funding opportunities. This call for concept notes submission, aligns with this purpose, specifically designed to enable CSOs to apply to a funding aiming at covering one of the two channels below:
Channel 1: Submitting concept notes regarding initiatives that aim at enhancing sustainable operations and addressing funding gaps. This can include either staff capacity development opportunities in thematic or non-thematic fields, or concept notes aiming at implementing organizational capacity development projects around programmatic or support needs; provision of needs to ensure organizational operational sustainability, and supporting existing projects are also options.
Channel 2: Submitting concept notes regarding initiatives focused on community-based interventions to address local needs. This includes initiatives mapped out through needs assessments in the targeted area or is proven as a need, preferably supporting youth in vulnerable settings, and other pressing local needs.
How to apply
CSOs are invited to apply for a single application addressing one of the two mentioned channels above, taking into consideration the following eligibility criteria:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Lebanon.
- Unregistered and registered entities are eligible for applications.
- Projects must be designed to benefit and address the needs of local communities and people in need including refugees, or CSOs within Lebanon.
- Collaborative initiatives that bring together multiple CSOs and stakeholders are encouraged.
- Organizations must prove they comply with safeguarding and gender considerations.
- The annual budget for the organization does not exceed 1,000,000 USD.
- Project ceiling up to 10K, for a period of up to 4 months from January 2023 to April 2024
- Applications will only be accepted if fully completed and submitted on the following links:
- Channel 1: Enhancing Sustainable Operations:
- Channel 2: Community Based Interventions:
Required Documents:
- A detailed budget plan. (Template attached).
- If registered, the CSOs are requested to provide their registration papers. (MoI, MoF).
- List of the CSOs board members, if applicable.
Application Deadline: 26 November 2023 COB.
Review and selection process:
Save the Children is committed to fostering innovative and impactful initiatives driving positive change within Lebanon.
Save the Children will establish an objective, equal, and transparent selection process through a selection committee who will be responsible in reviewing, prioritizing and selecting applications taking into consideration and not restricted to the following criteria: complete applications, coherence with objectives, addressing funding needs, contextual relevance, prioritization of geographies with heightened vulnerability, cost-efficiency, and other relevant considerations including safeguarding and gender equality.
The applications’ review will take place in the period between [27 November 2023 and 05 December 2023]. SCI will get back to selected CSOs by maximum 15 December 2023 through email.
Selected organizations will be subject to a vetting process, prior to the establishment of a partnership agreement.
To further support CSOs, Save the Children will provide coaching, mentorship, and guidance to CSOs throughout implementation, ensuring smooth monitoring.
Contact Information:
For inquiries and questions kindly contact Ayat Kammouni, Civil Society Organizations Coordinator,
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